By Nikola Govorko When speaking of metabolism most of people think about weight loss. Our Metabolism and weight is a kind of a stepping stone in defining our bodies. But theres one big difficulty with this, we often fail to remember that dieting doesn't mean denying yourself food. Rather the opposite it means controlling food intake and paying attention to what you eat. Most of the modern day weight loss diets are bad for overall body health. Most of them require complete absence of certain food groups (carbohydrates and fats) if you want them to work for you. Likewise majority of these diets works only as long as you stick with their strict regimen, once you stop, you will very likely gain all the weight you lost and probably gain a few pounds extra. The key to increased metabolism lies in actually eating more, not less. But you have to eat smart, drop the junk food and include much more vegetables and fruits in your diet. The good news is that it is much easier to do then most people think. All you have to do is to substitute bad stuff for good and that is it. Example, instead of eating Mars bar eat an apple. That is it, apply the same principle on every one of your meals and you will soon feel the benefits of it. Not only will you lose weight but your general health condition will gain a huge boost. When you eat fruits and vegetables try to eat as many of them as you can raw. It doesnt mean that you have to eat every single vegetable and fruit raw, but if something needs to be cooked - cook it. List of foods that increase metabolism: Vegetables asparagus, aubergine, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Cress, Cucumbers, Fennel, Gourd, Leek, Lettuce, Marrow, Peppers, Radish, Spinach, Tomatos, Turnip Fruits Apricots, Blackberries, Blackcurrant, Clementines, Damsons, Grapefruit, Guava, Honeydew Melons, Melon Canteloupe, Oranges, Peaches, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangerines Try not to delude yourself by eating for example caned peaches, stuff like that is full of sugar, and it will only harm you. When it comes to vegetables the best thing to do is to steam them. This will preserve most of the minerals and vitamins. Avoid fried (any fried food) and processed food. You do not need to avoid all the fats, for example you can substitute regular oil or whatever fat you use for cooking and use olive oil instead. This way your food will taste great and youll receive numerous olive oil benefits. One other example, use non-stick pans instead of regular old ones and ad the olive oil at the end, when meal is all but done. For your body to work properly you need to maintain balanced diet, do not deny your body essential nutrients. Try to eat at least 3 5 smaller meals per day, use food pyramid as guide for setting up your meals. Eating 3-5 meals per day will significantly increase metabolism, eating just 1 or 2 large meals however slows it down. Your body thinks about meals in this way, if you eat seldom a food crisis is happening and a food must be accumulated and preserved and it is done by lowering your metabolism. For most of us it is hard to eat right all the time but if you want to succeed in your weight loss effort you must try as hard as you can. By combining exercise with diet you will manage to increase your metabolism naturally. Are you asking your self "how to increase my metabolism"? Visit and get step by step tutorials to help you with your diet and weight loss efforts. Article Source: ambien versus zolpidem
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Benefits of a Hair Analysis
By Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD Have you ever been to a medical doctor with persistent health symptoms, but the doctor can't see anything wrong and all the expensive lab tests merely determine nothing's there? YOU know something's wrong though, because you are on the receiving end of the pounding headaches, the uncontrollable twitches in your arms and legs followed by shooting pains. YOU are the one who cannot get a good night's sleep. YOU know you are experiencing heart palpitations, dizziness, and blurred vision. And YOU are tired of STRESS as the blame while your doctor suggests you see a psychotherapist. Well, your body can tell you what traditional medicine cannotbut you have to pay attention to what it's trying to translate using those disturbing health symptoms. Two ways to understand your body's cries for help are to remove ALL foreign, man-made food chemicals from your diet, clean-up your outside environment, and get a hair analysis to determine what's going on inside of you. The protein in your hair holds the composition of your body's tissues for a permanent period of time. This is why hair testing is used in forensic medicine. By analyzing toxin and nutrient levels using a hair analysis, a trained nutritionist can typically tell what toxins have accumulated in your body and what vitamins and minerals are depleted (in turn, causing an imbalance in body function). The hair analysis can clearly spell out what your body is trying to tell you using its symptomatic warning signs such as those nasty migraine headaches. Humans are exposed to over 14,000 food chemicals daily. And, this doesn't take into account the abundant environmental toxins we are exposed to. The hair analysis is an excellent tool to identify specifically which toxins are inside your body and what vitamins and minerals they may have depleted. As I discovered through my own disease recovery from an inaccurate diagnosis of Graves' Disease, I couldn't fight what I couldn't see. It wasn't probable I would cure my disease if no one knew the cause, and unfortunately my internist didn't have a clue as to what caused my thyroid symptoms. The hair analysis was the "road map" I used to see what was going on inside of my body, and it helped me save my thyroid gland. I cured my incurable disease in thirty days. In most cases, the hair analysis can mark the root cause(s) of illness. But, the key to a good hair analysis is in the interpretation - a lost art amid traditional medicine, yet a critical step in disease recovery. For more information about the benefits of a hair analysis or to submit a hair sample, contact Dr. Hull at or About The Author
Dr. Janet Starr Hull publishes a monthly health newsletter covering
a wide range of important health topics. To sign up for her free
newsletter or to view past articles, visit An artificial sweetener expert, Dr. Hull is the author of Sweet
Poison an expose on the dangers of aspartame, and Splenda: Is It
Safe Or Not?, her newest book on the dangers of sucralose found in
Splenda. Dr. Hull also features her detoxification program and Detox
Kit, proven highly effective in cleansing the body of food chemicals
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Dr. Janet Starr Hull publishes a monthly health newsletter covering
a wide range of important health topics. To sign up for her free
newsletter or to view past articles, visit An artificial sweetener expert, Dr. Hull is the author of Sweet
Poison an expose on the dangers of aspartame, and Splenda: Is It
Safe Or Not?, her newest book on the dangers of sucralose found in
Splenda. Dr. Hull also features her detoxification program and Detox
Kit, proven highly effective in cleansing the body of food chemicals
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Why Are Some Men Unkind To Their Families?
By Eva Fry I am not talking about the abusive bully or the man with a character flaw, who possesses no compassion, is beyond feeling and has no conscience. I am talking about the frustrated man who yells at this family, makes great demands on them, seems always angry and frustrated. This unhappy man is often the product of stress. His actions are the reactions of trying to provide for his family, in an uncaring world that often demands more than he can give. He often feels that his efforts are not recognized and that there is no reward for doing his best. For a wife to live with this troubled man is very difficult. All she sees is the consequence of his unappreciated attempts to make it in the world. His frustrations and anger are often taken out on his family. Why? Because his home is the only place he can get away with it. The only place he can vent his feelings and try to get rid of some the pressure he feels. Home is the only place he hopes to be understood. For this man, an understanding wife is the best gift he can have. To be able to come home to a wife who loves him. Doesnt judge him. Accepts him even when hes unkind and allows him to vent his feelings, even when its unfair, is probably the kindest thing anyone can do for him. Some women are unable to do this and it's understandable. The problem we have is, the frustrated man comes home from work wanting peace, a safe haven from the world and no new problems. He is up tight. His nerves are shot and little things will bug him, like seeing the kids bikes carelessly lying in the driveway. This makes him angry because it just adds to the pressure he already feels, so he yells at the kids. Or, he notices that his wife didnt do something he asked her to do. It doesnt matter that maybe she had a hard day too. He interprets this as her not caring for him, helping him, or understanding that he needs help. Exasperated he starts yelling at her too. He is at the end of his rope and believes those who should care are not considerate of him. She in turn thinks. How can he treat me that way? Why doesnt he understand what I have been through this day? Why doesnt he ever see all that I do? Why does he only see what I dont do? So she in turn gets angry back with him or punishes him in other ways. She turns herself away from him. She stops talking to him. Chooses to not do things for him, because he doesnt understand her. She feels sorry for herself and becomes depressed. Etc, Etc, Etc. There is no understanding on either side. The worst part is that when we feel abused or neglected we tend for forget the good parts of our mate. We only see the bad. We only see our partners flaws and mistakes. We tend to forget our own mistakes. We each want perfection from our mate when we are not perfect! To make an analogy: If your young son went to school and was made fun of, by the other kids, was misunderstood by the teacher, found school hard and didnt get the help he needed. He is really hurting. He comes home angry and wants to fight with his siblings, gets sent to his room, for being a brat. He feels that no one, at home, loves or understands him either and he just gets more angry and frustrated. We need to understand the cause of our loved ones actions. Every action has a cause! We very seldom take the time to fine the cause. To understand the cause and to do what we can to help eliminate or at lease understand the cause is what we should do. Instead we react to their actions, not realizing their actions are the result of a cause. We need to love them enough to understand them. To be an understanding wife, when her husband is acting out, is difficult because she tends to take his actions toward her as abuse. It is, but she fails to recognize the reasons for why he acts as he does. She needs to understand the cause. To allow him to vent when he needs to. She needs to understand what it like for a man out there in the world, The world of men working with men! Most men put great demands on each other. Most have little compassion for other men. Often, they gain great joy if they can put another man down. Even destroy him if they can. Teasing is one of the greatest joys men do to other men, usually in an unkind way. Many men have no consideration for another mans feelings. If a man can point out another mans flaw; it gives the abuser a sense of pride and makes him feel that he is better than he really is. Many men have large egos gained from stomping on other men. Most men do not build each other up, they tear each other down and are not always aware they are doing it. It is just tradition passed down from man to man. They do not give compliments, they try to embarrass and insult each other. They were often raised with unfeeling and unkind fathers or no father at all and grew up in a world of unkind men. They in turn, to survive, take on the characteristics of other flawed men because they believe this is how a man should act. They believe they must be strong. This is being masculine. This is being a man1 The other thing about a man, some women dont always understand, is how difficult it is to make a living today. There are enormous demands put on them to perform. The fear of failure or of being fired is a tremendous stress. The expectations put on men by themselves or their family members expectations, is breaking. To provide nice homes, nice cars and all the extras like music lessons etc is overwhelming to most men. To know that so much is expected of them and to know that they may not possess the abilities to live up to all those expectations is very hard on them. To be an understanding wife to this frustrated man is very difficult, but so important. To not take the actions of her husband toward her, personally, is extremely difficult. If she can try to recognize the cause and realize that she is not the reason for his actions can be very helpful to her. Because she will have a greater understanding for what is going on. If she can even learn to endure the abuse and not pass it on is the best thing she can do. To be kind, to him, when he is not being kind is the greatest gift she can give to him. Even when it seems he doesnt deserve it. It has been said, He who is most unloving, needs love the most! Most women lack this ability. They want to fight back and think Its not fair To think, Hes abusing me! I dont deserve this. Rather than being a safe haven for their man, they add to the pressure. They pay him back. They abuse in their own way. They yell back, argue or turn themselves off and quite talking to him. I am not saying women should be a door mate or accept any kind of abuse. But being able to withstand unkindness because someone is hurting inside and to not take it personal is the healthiest thing she can do for herself and for her mate. I have directed these suggestions to women but the same ideas are how men should treat their women. They should show the same kindness and understanding toward their wives. Also, I know there are many women out there trying to survive too. In our world many women are facing the same stresss as men. My thoughts can be used for both husband and wife. I offer my encouragement to you. I have discovered; after the trials come the blessings. I encourage you to give these thoughts a try. You may find that, one day, your husband or mate will say, thank you for sticking by me. Thank you for being there for me. You may also discover that your love has grown. It is possible that you marriage will become the one you always hoped for. It happened that way for me. These are things I have learned from being a wife of over 47 years. These are things I have learned from being a wife of over 47 years. Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books -
"YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors,
"BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents.
"LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives)
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"YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors,
"BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents.
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She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids
Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges.
She has produced 7 Music CD's Remember (new music for seniors),
Oh What Joy Christmas
The Little Things (inspirational country),
I Love Living The Teachings of The Lord (Gospel/Christian)
Savior of Mine (Christian)
God Gave You Intelligence (for children) Classical Style (instrumental) Her music and books can be purchased at
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Setting Up Your Display Case
By Antigone Arthur One of the best ways to display photographs, memorabilia and other prized possessions is by using a display case. When properly done, a display case can showcase your collectables for all to see in an elegant manner. Man has used display cases since the dawn of time to show off private possessions. Fortunately today there are hundreds of different styles to choose from. Your first step toward creating a display masterpiece? Deciding the right display case. To do this you simply need to sit down and think about not only your collectibles, but also the space you have to display them in. Below you'll find some extra tips for selecting and setting up your ideal display case. Display Case Tidbits Whether you plan to display one treasured item or multiple items, it is important you set up your display case correctly. Doing so will ensure that visitors see your collectibles in the best light possible. You will also look on your display fondly for years to come when you take the time to set it up correctly. Here are some tips for setting up your display case correctly: Select the best style display case for your items. Remember there are many different kinds of display cases. Some examples include flag display cases, football jersey display cases, sword display cases, die cast car display cases and more.
Select from the many different cases available including wooden display cases and metal ones.
Select what items you want to display. If you have many different items, you may consider more than one display case.
Group similar collectibles together. Plan to display like items with like.
Make note of the size and width of all items you plant to display. Plan to place smaller objects in front of larger ones.
Place all collectables of the same theme together in your display case.
Avoid placing too many items together as this will make your display seem overcrowded.
Use a mirror to reflect images in your display.
Clean items and display regularly to prevent dust build up. Remember that less is more when it comes to a display. Often a single object looks wonderful when on display all by itself. Keep in mind if you are setting up a commercial display, like a commercial pet display case, you may use a different tactic for setting up your valuables. In this case you want to load your display with as much information about any items you are selling. You also want to make sure that your display case is kept need and orderly at all times. The better your display looks, the more customers you are likely to attract. Keeping Your Display Case In Top Shape Year After Year Many people mistakenly believe they can set up their display case once and then leave it. As with anything however, your display case will need monthly and annual upkeep. The most important thing you can do to protect your valuables is keep you display clean and free from debris. Remember dust loves to collect on anything that sits for a long period of time. Be sure to clean not just the surface of your display and outer corners, but also the inner nooks and crannies. If you plan to display antiques or other prized collectibles, you may have to take great care to ensure you don't damage any items while cleaning. Check with a seasoned professional about cleaning any antiques before doing so. You want your display to look good, but you definitely also want your collectibles in top shape. Be weary of fingerprints. More likely than not most of the time you will be cleaning fingerprints off your display case. This is especially the case if you own a commercial display case. Last but not least, consider rotating the items in your display case every now and again. If you have several items you want to display you can always change them out, keeping your display looking fresh. Alternatively you can add some accent items every now and again to help keep your display fresh. These may include silk or real flowers or other items of dcor. About The Author:
Antigone Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as display cases, football jersey display cases and jewelry display cases. Article Source: finasteride ambien
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Select from the many different cases available including wooden display cases and metal ones.
Select what items you want to display. If you have many different items, you may consider more than one display case.
Group similar collectibles together. Plan to display like items with like.
Make note of the size and width of all items you plant to display. Plan to place smaller objects in front of larger ones.
Place all collectables of the same theme together in your display case.
Avoid placing too many items together as this will make your display seem overcrowded.
Use a mirror to reflect images in your display.
Clean items and display regularly to prevent dust build up. Remember that less is more when it comes to a display. Often a single object looks wonderful when on display all by itself. Keep in mind if you are setting up a commercial display, like a commercial pet display case, you may use a different tactic for setting up your valuables. In this case you want to load your display with as much information about any items you are selling. You also want to make sure that your display case is kept need and orderly at all times. The better your display looks, the more customers you are likely to attract. Keeping Your Display Case In Top Shape Year After Year Many people mistakenly believe they can set up their display case once and then leave it. As with anything however, your display case will need monthly and annual upkeep. The most important thing you can do to protect your valuables is keep you display clean and free from debris. Remember dust loves to collect on anything that sits for a long period of time. Be sure to clean not just the surface of your display and outer corners, but also the inner nooks and crannies. If you plan to display antiques or other prized collectibles, you may have to take great care to ensure you don't damage any items while cleaning. Check with a seasoned professional about cleaning any antiques before doing so. You want your display to look good, but you definitely also want your collectibles in top shape. Be weary of fingerprints. More likely than not most of the time you will be cleaning fingerprints off your display case. This is especially the case if you own a commercial display case. Last but not least, consider rotating the items in your display case every now and again. If you have several items you want to display you can always change them out, keeping your display looking fresh. Alternatively you can add some accent items every now and again to help keep your display fresh. These may include silk or real flowers or other items of dcor. About The Author:
Antigone Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as display cases, football jersey display cases and jewelry display cases. Article Source: finasteride ambien
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Monday, February 25, 2008
How To Guarantee Success With The Master Cleanser Fast
By Jessica Roop If you haven't heard of the Master Cleanser, also known as the Lemonade Diet, it is a ten day cleansing and detoxification program developed by a man named Stanley Burroughs. Through the use of a simple concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, you can rid your body of toxins and rebuild healthy tissue. It was originally created to treat stomach ulcers, but was found to help treat and cure many other health problems. The recipe is quite easy. Every Master Cleanser drink consists of the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons Organic Grade B Maple Syrup Juice from half a lemon or lime 1/16 teaspoon cayenne pepper 8oz waterDrink a minimum eight glasses of the Master Cleanser per day for ten full days. In addition, you should drink an herbal laxative tea each evening, as well as a drink every morning consisting of two teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt and a quart of warm water. These last two requirements may seem unpleasant, but they will help your body eliminate waste faster, thus making Master Cleanser far more effective. Here are some simple tips for a great Master Cleanser experience: Make the lemonade drink in a big batch every morning and keep it nearby at all times. If you try to make each drink individually throughout the day, you will have a much harder time sticking to the plan. Also, by keeping it nearby, you will have it ready in case you begin to feel weak or lightheaded (which may happen occasionally -- this is normal and part of the cleansing process!). Rest as much as possible. Although you may feel extremely energetic due to the body not spending energy on digestion, it is important to rest so that your body can heal. It is encouraged to spend some of your cleansing time pampering yourself! Many people use vacation time so that they can stay at home during their Master Cleanser. Stick to the laxative tea and salt water flush as much as possible. Although they can be unpleasant, they will help your body detoxify much faster. Keep a journal. Document your progress every day. This will be helpful to look back at if you're going through a rough spot during the cleanse, and it will also be helpful to look back at how far you've come when you are done. As obvious as it may seem, don't start chowing down when your cleanse is complete. You will definitely experience a lot of cravings when you are cleansing, but it's important to try to adhere to a healthy diet once completing the Master Cleanser. You have just cleansed your body of a lot of junk don't ruin it by feasting on every bad food you can get your hands on!Using these tips, you should have great success with the Master Cleanser. Good luck! Do you want to know what it is truly like to go through the Master Cleanser? Download my FREE private journal detailing my two ten-day Master Cleanser fasts. It is available for a limited time only at Article Source: ambien buy cheap online
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
Career Success Through Healthy Interactions
By Melanie Keveles Have you ever noticed that for some colleagues and bosses you'll move mountains while for others, you can't seem to do anything right? What's going on here? Is it just you or is there a larger issue at work? Recently a friend and I were discussing an incident where she lost her "stop-gap" job as a sales clerk at a bookstore. She's a professional woman who had been supplementing her free-lance writing income with several days a week at this local branch of a national chain. In spite of the fact that she thought she was doing a good job, every time she turned around the owner was riding her for some transgression. First she was blamed for someone else's computer errors. Then rather than being praised for helping a customer grow a small order of books found in the store into a large order including additional books she ordered at my friend's suggestion, the owner saw this as a mistake. Stick to what we have on hand and don't raise expectations was the reprimand. My friend thought she was crazy, but every time she stepped into the bookstore she found herself losing confidence and was poised to make mistakes she'd never make in any other setting. Was she losing her edge she wondered? I saw this incident as clear as light as a great example of diminished expectations and the halo effect (taking one person's perspective and generalizing to everyone's). The operative principle at work is -- other people's thoughts about us can impact our performance -- especially those in authority! Remembering an incident dating back 15 years when my son was in kindergarten, I shared it with my friend to substantiate my position. During a two day period when I observed his class, I noticed how his teacher treated each child with respect, admiration and a belief they could do anything she challenged them to do -- no matter how timid they might be. With this attitude, she was able to bring forth capabilities from everyone in the class. Yet, each day the traveling art teacher entering the very same room displayed a different viewpoint about many of the students. In her estimation one boy in particular was a true nemesis. She disciplined and ridiculed him continuously during each of the hours I observed. After the art teacher left, the child magically transformed back into the angel the kindergarten teacher expected. It was amazing to watch this transmutation before, during and after the art teacher's appearance on both days I was there. The only change that had occurred was the teacher's expectation of what she would find. This is often referred to as the Pygmalion Effect, named after George Bernard Shaw's play, Pymalion. This was popularized in the '60's in the musical film adaptation My Fair Lady when Rex Harrison transformed Audrey Hepburn, a Cockney-speaking woman into an aristocrat. He was able to work miracles with her in a short time because he believed in her. The theory is we rise (or fall) to someone else's expectation of us. In the work world this issue carries profound implications --whom we work for and with and their opinions of our abilities, skills and overall capacities can profoundly affect our productivity and output. Here's an example. A company recently conducted a 360-assessment process with each member of the management team as preliminary to a company-wide retreat. Even though many of the people who participated in the process had worked side-by-side for many years, this was one of the first times they were offered any direct feedback on their performance by colleagues and bosses because this small, entrepreneurial organization had never adopted any formal performance review process. This was the first attempt of its kind to begin to put some issues on the table, prior to the retreat. Questions in the assessment ranged from "What I have liked about working with you" to "What gets in my way of working as effectively as I could with you." All responses were anonymous. One person, we'll call Janet, observed that many people who completed her survey praised her for her time management skills, creativity and initiative. Yet someone (and she had her idea of who this might be) remarked that she needed to improve her ability to be proactive. If she had her suspicions right, this person was a key member of the management team and had a lot of influence on the direction of the organization and her place in it. As Janet reviewed in her mind the interactions she'd had with this person over the last several months, she recognized times when this person had either directly or indirectly told her to be more proactive. Yet try as she may, within his sphere of influence she found herself tongue-tied and less effective than she was when collaborating with other members of the team. It had to be his belief about her capability that was making the difference in the same way that the kindergarten art teacher had affected the little boy. When she was believed to be effective, Janet rose to the occasion and gave 150%. When she felt the energy of this authority figure's lowered expectations, she couldn't muster the drive she needed to produce the results he was after. So what can we do about the negative effect of a colleague's or bosses' diminished opinion of us? First, when looking for a new job, we can try to find a culture of positive thinkers. We can learn to ask questions to get a sense of how much judgment these people infuse with their daily interactions with each other.
We can be aware of this Pygmalion Effect and do our best not to let others' opinions of us and our performance capacities wash over us and affect us. In other words, we can picture ourselves creating a "thought shield" around ourselves and strengthen it by holding only positive beliefs about our own abilities.
We can hire a coach or a mentor with whom we interact weekly and who views us as whole, creative and resourceful and refuses to stand in judgment about us in any way. We can bathe in the glow of these positive considerations and stretch ourselves in whatever ways we can to live up to these expectations.
We can teach our colleagues and bosses about the Pygmalion Effect and hold discussions within our organization or workgroup about these issues -- bringing the issue to the light of day rather than ignoring it or pretending it is not there.
Finally, we can guard against having negative thoughts or judgments ourselves about people we supervise, collaborate with or report to -- adapting a motto of "Look for the good, the bad will take care of itself." Choose your thoughts and your colleagues carefully and wisely. -- Your performance depends on it! Melanie Keveles MA, CPCC, Certified Professional Life Coach and Certified Best Year Yet Coach has been a career and outplacement consultant, trainer and writer for more than 20 years. She coaches clients via telephone who seek career satisfaction, or want to launch entrepreneurial ventures. You can contact her for a free session at; by phone at 715.394.4260 or on the Web at Article Source: citalopram and ativan
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We can be aware of this Pygmalion Effect and do our best not to let others' opinions of us and our performance capacities wash over us and affect us. In other words, we can picture ourselves creating a "thought shield" around ourselves and strengthen it by holding only positive beliefs about our own abilities.
We can hire a coach or a mentor with whom we interact weekly and who views us as whole, creative and resourceful and refuses to stand in judgment about us in any way. We can bathe in the glow of these positive considerations and stretch ourselves in whatever ways we can to live up to these expectations.
We can teach our colleagues and bosses about the Pygmalion Effect and hold discussions within our organization or workgroup about these issues -- bringing the issue to the light of day rather than ignoring it or pretending it is not there.
Finally, we can guard against having negative thoughts or judgments ourselves about people we supervise, collaborate with or report to -- adapting a motto of "Look for the good, the bad will take care of itself." Choose your thoughts and your colleagues carefully and wisely. -- Your performance depends on it! Melanie Keveles MA, CPCC, Certified Professional Life Coach and Certified Best Year Yet Coach has been a career and outplacement consultant, trainer and writer for more than 20 years. She coaches clients via telephone who seek career satisfaction, or want to launch entrepreneurial ventures. You can contact her for a free session at; by phone at 715.394.4260 or on the Web at Article Source: citalopram and ativan
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
How To Automate Your Collections
By Tim Randle Having been a landlord since the early part of 1994, I feel fairly safe in stating I've tried almost every imaginable way of collecting monthly payments from my residents. I want to run through some of these methods and let you in on the pros and cons of each technique. I'll wrap it up by telling you what I do now. Personal Collections Scheduling appointments to pick up payments was never even a consideration for me as a standard way of doing business. I'm too lazy and I consider it the resident's responsibility to pay me if they want to stay. The advantage is that you know right away who's paid and who hasn't. You still don't know if the check will clear with good funds, assuming you weren't paid in cash or certified funds. Of course, I've met with residents to pick up payments on special occasions when the resident was late or trying to avoid late fees. Again, this is a waste of time in my opinion. I now have a designated place for the residents to drop off payments if they want to go this route. Also, for chronic late payers, they lose the privilege of paying any other way than by certified funds at the drop box. Once they've paid consistently and timely for six months, I'll consider reverting back to the standard pay system I'll discuss later. If you do decide to meet your residents to collect, I highly recommend NOT meeting at your personal residence. Do not allow any of your residents to know where you live. In fact, my opinion is that you should have an unlisted telephone number for your home line and that you should spend as much time as necessary removing personal information from the various internet directories. Sorry for the tangent here, but I thought it important enough to include. I don't recommend this method as it requires too much effort on your part. The Check's in the Mail This is probably the way everyone starts out. The payment doesn't arrive and the resident claims it's in the mail. If it arrives, is it even good? Who knows? The advantages to this method are that it's very common, and if you have a great tenant, it can be a low hassle way to collect payments. The disadvantages include reliance on the resident's memory to write the check, correctly address the envelope, place the correct postage on it , and actually drop the payment in the mail. Additionally, you then rely on the postal service to deliver the payment to the correct address and in a timely manner. I've even gone as far as providing payment coupons and self-addressed stamped envelopes to residents to remove some of the risk associated with this methodology. I didn't find this added effort to produce any noticeable difference in the results. I don't recommend this method as it requires too much Involvement from your resident. Resident Makes the Deposit I realize many of you will completely balk at this idea, but I've tried it for years now with some success. Prior to having a drop box location, I would give my late payers a bank account number to which they could deposit the monthly payment directly. Naturally, I graduated from that step to providing deposit slips that were pre-printed so the account name and the account number wouldn't be inaccurate. In this case, this added effort did reduce the monthly "I don't have such and such information" telephone calls from the residents. I was never that concerned about a resident attempting to make a withdrawal from my account, although I'm sure that's a possibility. To decrease this risk, you could have a separate bank account for deposits and sweep the funds into another account periodically. Another consideration here is that potentially you could run into a failed eviction for accepting partial payments. Whether or not a judge would consider a tenant making a small deposit in a last ditch effort to avoid eviction "constructive receipt", I'm not able to answer. So far, (knock on wood), none of the folks I've evicted have tried this angle. However, what will invariably happen is that residents WILL make partial payments. The truck broke down, the child custody legal fees, etc. get prioritized over shelter and what few remaining funds there are end up in your account. Then you're left with the fun job of trying to determine who paid what. Advantages to this method are that you don't have to make a trip to the bank and if you have online banking, you know within a day or so if the deposits are there. Again, you don't know whether or not they paid in pennies or stolen checks from their neighbor, but you at least see the deposit made. I don't recommend this method as a standard way of collecting, but perhaps consider it for the good payer who's just had a bad month. Print the Checks for Them (Thanks to Earl B. for the following tip) I forget when it was, but probably sometime around eighteen months ago, one of my friendly competitors suggested I try this service. One of his friends was using it with success so I signed up for it. It's inexpensive and allowed me to just sit down and print all the monthly payments at one time. I signed all new residents up on it and bribed some of my existing residents to join. The service is presented to the residents as an auto draft service and they sign off on a one-page form that authorizes you to debit their account. The program itself is a Windows-based software application that allows you to print these "Demand Drafts". The advantage is that the payments can be set up as a recurring monthly payment and you can print them whenever you want. So, rather than waiting for the mail to arrive, you just sit down at your PC and hit print. The checks roll off your standardized printer. In other words, you don't need any special equipment. On the first of each month (or whenever) you just head on over to the bank. Again, you don't know if the resident has good funds or not, but at least you're not waiting to make your deposit. One of the disadvantages is that you will have to purchase check stock, but I believe I received 300 checks with my initial purchase. Another advantage to using this software is that you could set up your own bills on this so that each month you just print out your recurring bills or a set of blank checks with your pre-printed information. You can find out more about this software by clicking on the url below. Please ignore the cheesy web site and examine the features and benefits for yourself. I no longer use this method, but can recommend it as It worked well for me. Direct Deposit For the last year I've been using a new service I found. I searched high and low for a reliable, quality direct deposit service that wasn't designed for the huge apartment complexes. Everything I stumbled upon had a fee structure that priced it way out of my league. Again, as before with the CheckMan application, I signed all my new residents up on it (company policy, don't you know?) and bribed some of my existing residents to join as well. I think it's fantastic. Residents receive an email notifying them of the coming draft and it all runs through the banks Automated Clearing House systems (ACH), so there's absolutely nothing that I have to do. The resident's account gets debited automatically on the designated day and I receive an email the next day that shows me which accounts were drafted successfully, and which failed, if any. Three days after that, the funds are automatically deposited into my account. The residents know it's coming and since it's automatic like other bank drafts, it requires no effort on their part. It also requires no effort on my part. It's the simplest solution that I've found and very affordable to boot. Rather than go into all the features and benefits here, I'll just give you a link so you can read about it at your own convenience. I also got them to agree to offer a trial period. If you sign up through the link above, they will give you two full months to try the service at absolutely no cost. I know that if you give them a try, you'll be hooked. Sincerely, Tim Randle (c) Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved. About The Author Tim Randle is a full-time real estate investor in the Austin, Texas area. For more information, please visit his web site at Article Source: pharmacy phentermine cod
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Keeping a Marriage With 5 Not So Easy Steps
By Rebecca Guevara When people learn Ive been married over thirty years they often pause and turn to look me up and down as though I am a chipped statue from the last century. They either congratulate me like Ive lived through a bout of bird flu or look at me with pity as though Ive been living in a bubble. Im accustomed to but dont like either response. Life has a relentless ability to twist, hammer, pound, pamper, surprise, teach, lecture all humans and I believe being married is a twist to the plot that adds certain story lines but doesnt coddle, protect, save or destroy any more or less than being single. Still, being married thirty years means Ive lived a while and at a certain point most people begin to do a little backward glancing to say, Wow, have I learned anything? To be bluntly truthful, when I first asked myself this question absolutely nothing rushed in for me to congratulate myself for accomplishing. It took a while before I willingly claimed the homely children who often are too blunt and cruel but I see their value and I no longer want to live without them. My five children are: 1. The person I married is not the one I got. He started changing the morning after the wedding. He kept changing through becoming a father, buying a house, his career and hes not stopping. Some things seemed to have stabilized from young man to real man, but life (and me) continues to pound and reshape him. 2. I carefully pick my fights. That comes from two angles. I no longer avoid an issue to keep the peace as my grandmother taught me and I no longer confront the jerk like so many others suggest. Instead I think, consider, weigh the importance and do a little training before getting in the ring or I dont get in the ring at all. 3. Kindness counts. It counts as courtesy to strangers as I drive and my physical safety is within their power and it counts with a man whose anger and hurt buttons I have down to an art as finely tuned and elegant as Russian egg painting. 4. Im a separate person. I had the little girl belief that the cleaving of marriage would tie us in mind, spirit, body and what we wanted to do next weekend. Not a one turned out true and in the end Im pleased its so. 5. Sometimes time heals wounds. Since Im a writer I feel capable of messing up anyones perfect writing with my opinions. Perhaps it is a continuing flaw of mine that can only reduce old wounds to still present scar tissue. It is slight, sometimes totally unnoticeable but it is also a gentle reminder of what I learned. Scar tissue is my respected teacher reminding me of strength, resolve, continuing forgiveness in small degrees and self-knowledge. I have a good marriage. It amply supplies me with love and happiness. He is a good and true man who has had the graciousness to stay with me. But a long lived marriage is not a monastery or moral virtue only because time has passed. It is simply a way of walking down the path of life. Sometimes holding hands and sometimes very alonejust like everyone else. Article Rebecca Guevara 2005. She is a freelance writer whose first novel, The Trading of Ken, has just been published and can be seen at She is also a community activist and speaker. She can be reached at Article Source: doctor's pharmacy phentermine
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The Way, The Truth, and The Life - Pt 2
By Anthony Smith The Truth. John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Truth is the conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or shall be. We are Sanctified by the truth of the Gospel, thru Faith in God and Christ. The Truth makes us free from our, inhibitions, witchcraft, sin and unrighteousness, phobias, superstitions and our fleshly desires. Giving knowledge for ignorance, wisdom for foolishness and understanding for misconception. The Truth makes us Children of the Most High, changing us from Physical to Spiritual, from Mortal to Immortal. Jesus came unto his own (Israel), and his own received him not, but the Gentiles were seeking God and Consumed Jesus and every word He would speak to them, The gentiles took Heaven by Force and Loved God. Pro 8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. John 18:38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? (Brns; Thousands ask the question in the same way. They have a fixed contempt for the Bible; they deride the instructions of religion; they are unwilling to investigate and to wait at the gates of wisdom; and hence, like Pilate, they remain ignorant of the great Source of truth, and die in darkness and in error. end Brns.) Many seek the truth in many ways. Jesus was and still is telling you the Truth, for the Truth Became Flesh and dwelt or lived among man. Seeking out those that would not only believe in Him but believe in The Father. For without believing God you cannot believe Jesus. For God is Christ and Christ is God. The Truth is they are both one within the other. Lets read a little truth from Scripture. Pro 8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength. Truth is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, the evil way, and the froward mouth, truth comes from understanding the will of God concerning His Son, the only Begotten of the Father. Webs; By understanding I mean that faculty whereby we are enabled to apprehend the objects of knowledge, generals or particulars, absent or present, and to judge of their truth or falsehood, good or evil. Isa 40:13-18; Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him?
With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.
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To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? Remember that Truth is the conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which was, or is, or shall be. God is Holy and this is Truth. Wisdom is the Quickness of intellect; readiness of apprehension; dexterity in execution, wisdom is true religion; godliness; piety; the knowledge and fear of God, and sincere and uniform obedience to his commands. This is the wisdom which is from above. Psa 90. Job 28. Truth is judgment, counsel, execution, wisdom, obedience, knowledge, understanding, Truth is that God can Do, Act, Create, or Accomplish His pleasure at will, with thought and action, without the counsel of man nor spirit. Truth is sometimes hard to take, it , at times is hard to understand, meaning, Why this is happening or will happen, why this, why that. But I tell you of a truth, expresses the certification of the truth, these are not stories or parables, nor an example of a thing or action. Psa 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. the truth: Joh_1:14, Joh_1:17, Joh_8:32, Joh_15:1, Joh_18:37; Rom_15:8, Rom_15:9; 2Co_1:19, 2Co_1:20; Col_2:9, Col_2:17; 1Jo_1:8, 1Jo_5:6, 1Jo_5:20; Rev_1:5, Rev_3:7, Rev_3:14, Rev_19:11 Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries
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With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.
All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.
To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? Remember that Truth is the conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which was, or is, or shall be. God is Holy and this is Truth. Wisdom is the Quickness of intellect; readiness of apprehension; dexterity in execution, wisdom is true religion; godliness; piety; the knowledge and fear of God, and sincere and uniform obedience to his commands. This is the wisdom which is from above. Psa 90. Job 28. Truth is judgment, counsel, execution, wisdom, obedience, knowledge, understanding, Truth is that God can Do, Act, Create, or Accomplish His pleasure at will, with thought and action, without the counsel of man nor spirit. Truth is sometimes hard to take, it , at times is hard to understand, meaning, Why this is happening or will happen, why this, why that. But I tell you of a truth, expresses the certification of the truth, these are not stories or parables, nor an example of a thing or action. Psa 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. the truth: Joh_1:14, Joh_1:17, Joh_8:32, Joh_15:1, Joh_18:37; Rom_15:8, Rom_15:9; 2Co_1:19, 2Co_1:20; Col_2:9, Col_2:17; 1Jo_1:8, 1Jo_5:6, 1Jo_5:20; Rev_1:5, Rev_3:7, Rev_3:14, Rev_19:11 Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries
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Weight Loss As You Age
By Jason Johns If you are overweight, then your self esteem and self confidence can be diminished by your excess weight. Sadly our Western society is very judgmental about weight. In some cultures, being very large is seen as a sign of wealth and the height of attractiveness, but the American culture generally prefers underweight, unhealthy looking role models. As you grow older, so your metabolism slows down and your body changes. It becomes far easier to gain weight and much harder to burn calories and remain slim. You become less active, put on fat easier and have less energy. Its a fact of life that all but the most fortunate and active cant avoid. When your metabolism begins to slow you need to exercise to keep it going and to eat metabolism boosting foods such as strawberries and mustard to give yourself that little boost. You need to also monitor what you consume. When you were younger eating ten cream cakes a day may not have had any effect on you, but as you age, you just have to look at a cream cake and you can feel the pounds begin to pile on. Of course, excess weight not only affects your self esteem and confidence, but also can lead to other conditions such as diabetes, heart problems and more. If you really want to enjoy life as you age, you need to take action when you are younger and ensure you remain active and healthy as you age. I always remember watching a TV problem where an explorer visited an indigenous tribe in Vietnam. Being an explorer he had an awful lot of luggage that needed carrying so employed some of the locals to carry his bags into the jungle. The camera showed you a woman picking up a bag almost as big as her, lifting it on her back and then proceeding to walk off into the jungle. Later on the explorer was watching her and noted that this woman was over 70 years old and was fit enough to put him to shame! With a decent diet and good exercise you can remain healthy and active until well into your old age. Eat plenty of fresh food, reduce your refined sugar intake as well as your dairy consumption and most importantly, listen to your body and look after it. By taking care of your body and looking after yourself you can ensure that you live longer and can enjoy life more. With the average life span increasing almost yearly, you can enjoy your retirement to a degree most people cant. Learn how you can effortlessly achieve your ideal weight through weight loss visualization and setting weight loss goals through the power of your sub-conscious mind at Article Source: phentermine online cod
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Stress, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse as a Cause of Impairment in Lawyers
By L. John Mason One of every four lawyers suffers from stress, and out of 105 occupations, lawyers rank first in depression. In addition, a disproportionate number of lawyers commit suicide. These are some of the troubling conclusions that can be found in various studies of addiction and depression. Reports Robert Stein, ABA Executive Director, in the June 2005 issue of the ABA Journal. The costs of stress, alcoholism, and drug abuse is very high for the legal profession. The American Bar Association and all state bar associations have provided lawyer assistance programs that can help to treat impaired lawyers. Most of these programs also address the issues of clinical depression and disorders related to gambling, sex, and eating. If you do not realize the significance of this troubling situation, consider being represented in your important legal matters by an impaired attorney. It could cost you thousands of dollars or even your freedom if you or your interests are not protected by competent legal professionals. In the state of California, there is a requirement for Continuing Legal Education (CLEs) which includes a minimum of 1 hour every 3 years on stress management or substance abuse for all licensed, practicing lawyers to maintain their license to practice law. The practice of law is inherently stressful. Much of the time lawyers find themselves battling with other legal professionals for their clients best interests. Trail lawyers must think quickly and communicate with precision and skill in the courtroom. Corporate lawyers must be concerned with legal details that require focused attention and great care. The competition to be successful as an attorney can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. People preparing to become attorneys often struggle with stress in law school and in the multi-day testing that is required to pass the bar. The stressful issues that can begin in law school can set up future practicing attorneys for bad habits in coping with the stress and anxiety of the profession. Some law schools offer coursework for life skill management to better prepare their students to be able to perform at the highest level for their clients and for their quality of life. Because lawyers are trained to be precise and use their cerebral abilities for day to day work, they are often in denial regarding the needs for stress and anxiety management until bad habits are established or symptoms cause significant challenges. Even managing general partners in major law firms have great professional and personal concerns regarding impairment within their organizations. An accidental mistake or oversight can open a law firm to their own costly law suits for malpractice. Many concerned managing partners are requiring that their attorneys practice preventive measures to control stress, anxiety, and depression. This can be found in group trainings, EAPs or individual coaching. Coaching can also offer enhancements to time management, improved communication skills, and long term career planning. An interesting and unexpected benefit to this training and coaching is that this preventive work can actually save lawyers time and energy by helping to minimize the impact of distractions due to stress. This improves performance and can help to increase profitability. Key personnel are important assests and professional coaching or mentoring programs have huge cost benefits. Everyone, even lawyers, require professional assistance to get through the difficult periods. Lawyers just seem to require more attention as they work to survive, at the highest functioning levels, in the meat grinder of their professional life. Most people who know practicing attorneys know that their attorney family members or friends can benefit from a sense of humor and better stress management. In increasing frequency, law firms are using retreats to help de-compress and then get down to business planning. More information can be found in the article by Robert Stein at L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling "Guide to Stress Reduction." Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training. Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at
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Interestingly enough, most of the ringtone's sales have
come from a CD, not from digital download." "This song is incredibly irritating and puerile and we're
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just came out over in the UK this week -- it was
immediately handed its first setback -- by a frog. Seems that neither 2 years of pent-up demand from fans nor
several million dollars worth of promotion by Parlophone
records (in the UK) or Capitol EMI (here in the U.S.) could
save X & Y (the new Coldplay CD) from being knocked off
the top of the charts... by a mobile phone ringtone. According to, "A ringtone made its way to
the top of the British singles chart this Sunday, topping
Brit-rock group Coldplay. Ringtone Crazy Frog Axel F
outsold Coldplay's Speed of Sound 4-1, making for a
disapointing opening weekend for the popular band. Crazy Frog Axel F is based off the revving sound of a
Swedish mo-ped. It marks the first time a ringtone made it
to the singles chart for conventional music sales.
Interestingly enough, most of the ringtone's sales have
come from a CD, not from digital download." "This song is incredibly irritating and puerile and we're
still trying to understand why people like it," said
Gennaro Castaldo, a spokesman for (British retailer) HMV. This just goes to show you, you must sell to "wants" and
not to "expected wants" or "needs" if you want to come out
ahead. And remember this: You can't "create" demand. It's already
out there, all around you -- and believe me, there's
plenty of it. All you can do is tap into it, and then use your sales copy
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Saturday, February 9, 2008
Hi Tech Greenhouses?
By John Gibb You probably dont want to be constantly looking after your greenhouse yourself opening the windows when it gets too hot, going round every few days and all the rest. Its much easier to get automatic systems to do these chores for you. To water your plants, you should install irrigation systems. These are basically small pipes that run underground and slowly release water into the soil greenhouse models are very similar to the ones used on commercial farms, only smaller. These irrigation systems allow you to quite simply and easily set how much water your plants are getting with a tap, instead of you having to go and water them all by hand. Many plants will also respond better to being watered at the roots than they do to being watered on the topsoil, and they will often grow bigger, which is an added bonus. The other thing you need is a cooling system. While it might seem odd to have a cooling system in a greenhouse, it is possible for them to get so hot inside that all the plants will get cooked and die, especially in a hot summer. Again, the cooling system will be a series of underground pipes, allowing hot air to be taken down underground and stored during the day, and then released when it is cooler in the night. While greenhouses might seem to be quite basic things altogether, though, theres nothing stopping you from going all high-tech with them. More advanced systems have electronic climate control, allowing you to set the exact temperature of your greenhouse, and will open and close underground tubes and other escape routes for hot air in order to keep the temperature in your greenhouse tightly controlled. This can be useful for growing plants that only do well in one specific climate, such as some kinds of tropical flowers. John Gibb is the owner of garden greenhouses resource. For more information on greenhouses check out Article Source: prescription phentermine diet pills
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Friday, February 8, 2008
Japanese Hair Straightening - What You Need to Know
By Andrea Simpson Over the last 4 years a new type of hair straightening has crept into the USA. Called Japanese hair straightening it also falls under other names including; Thermal Reconditioning, Magic Straight, Bio Ionic Straightening, Yuko System (named after the Japanese stylist who is meant to have popularised the treatment), Liscio, and Rebonding. The Liscio process is the original and the one you are most likely to see in salons. As the name suggests it originated in Japan and the process will give you permanently straight hair as opposed to the temporary straight hair provided by in-home straighteners like the excellent Sedu flat iron. In reality it lasts about 6 months when your hair will need re-touching because of the hair growth. This form of treatment is not recommended for:
more delicate African hair
hair that has been heavily treated or damaged
hair that is quickly thinning and falling out The treatment is very expensive, $300-$800 in top salons and depending on which process you opt for can take between 4-6 hours to complete. This is a far cry from using your own hair straightener at home for a fraction of the cost and only taking a matter of minutes. Given the cost you should expect a free consultation on how well (or if) the treatment will work on your hair. As the treatment is very expensive you should do your homework. Here are a few tips:
Visit the websites of salons close to you for more details about which Japanese hair straightening treatment they use.
Visit the salon and speak with their straightening specialist about the process
Make sure the specialist has sufficient experience in the process. Dont forget you are paying lots of money so you dont want to end up with damaged hair because of an inexperienced stylist.
Ask for some before and after pictures of previous customers results.
If possible ask to speak with a previous customer to get some detailed insight into how long it took and to find out if there are any things they didnt like about the process. If you do decide to go ahead with the treatment then here is a summary of the whole process.
A protein conditioner is applied to your hair.
A cream based thio relaxor is then applied. This will soften your hair and disassociate the sulfur bonds inside the hair shaft.
After a period of time the stylist will do a test to see if the hair has broken down to the right degree.
Once the proper amount of Sulfur bonds have been disassociated the stylist will rinse your hair.
Your hair is dried into the style you normally wear it in.
The stylist will take small sections and apply some degree of tension to get your hair as straight as possible.
Once the neutralizer has been on the hair for the proper amount of time it will be rinsed from the hair.
After the hair is rinsed it will be dried again and ironed into the style you wish to wear.
The neutralizing chemical only begins to re-associate the sulfur bonds. The hair still needs to absorb more oxygen and will do so naturally through the air.
The hair designer will instruct you not to shampoo, wet or style your hair for 24-72 hours, this is to allow it to completely neutralize into the current shape. The results from the process are amazing, considering your hair is subjected to nearly 6 hours of chemical and heat treatment. You will probably be advised to use special after care products. You should take the stylists advice but make sure and shop round for the products online, as they can be very expensive in salons. However, all the time and effort is worth it, as your hair will not need to be treated for at least 6 months. So twice a year should be enough for curl free hair all year. Andrea Simpson is a self confessed hair straightener fan. She runs her own website,, devoted to hair straightening devices including Sedu Flat Irons and other hair straightening processes. Article Source: phentermine 30 mg diet pills
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more delicate African hair
hair that has been heavily treated or damaged
hair that is quickly thinning and falling out The treatment is very expensive, $300-$800 in top salons and depending on which process you opt for can take between 4-6 hours to complete. This is a far cry from using your own hair straightener at home for a fraction of the cost and only taking a matter of minutes. Given the cost you should expect a free consultation on how well (or if) the treatment will work on your hair. As the treatment is very expensive you should do your homework. Here are a few tips:
Visit the websites of salons close to you for more details about which Japanese hair straightening treatment they use.
Visit the salon and speak with their straightening specialist about the process
Make sure the specialist has sufficient experience in the process. Dont forget you are paying lots of money so you dont want to end up with damaged hair because of an inexperienced stylist.
Ask for some before and after pictures of previous customers results.
If possible ask to speak with a previous customer to get some detailed insight into how long it took and to find out if there are any things they didnt like about the process. If you do decide to go ahead with the treatment then here is a summary of the whole process.
A protein conditioner is applied to your hair.
A cream based thio relaxor is then applied. This will soften your hair and disassociate the sulfur bonds inside the hair shaft.
After a period of time the stylist will do a test to see if the hair has broken down to the right degree.
Once the proper amount of Sulfur bonds have been disassociated the stylist will rinse your hair.
Your hair is dried into the style you normally wear it in.
The stylist will take small sections and apply some degree of tension to get your hair as straight as possible.
Once the neutralizer has been on the hair for the proper amount of time it will be rinsed from the hair.
After the hair is rinsed it will be dried again and ironed into the style you wish to wear.
The neutralizing chemical only begins to re-associate the sulfur bonds. The hair still needs to absorb more oxygen and will do so naturally through the air.
The hair designer will instruct you not to shampoo, wet or style your hair for 24-72 hours, this is to allow it to completely neutralize into the current shape. The results from the process are amazing, considering your hair is subjected to nearly 6 hours of chemical and heat treatment. You will probably be advised to use special after care products. You should take the stylists advice but make sure and shop round for the products online, as they can be very expensive in salons. However, all the time and effort is worth it, as your hair will not need to be treated for at least 6 months. So twice a year should be enough for curl free hair all year. Andrea Simpson is a self confessed hair straightener fan. She runs her own website,, devoted to hair straightening devices including Sedu Flat Irons and other hair straightening processes. Article Source: phentermine 30 mg diet pills
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
Japanese Gardens: The Practical Use of Stones and Boulders
By Rose Smith There is a variety of elements used throughout a Japanese garden, but the three most important and basic ones that you will find in every garden design are: rocks, plants and water features. In this article, we are going to focus on rocks, a very visible and useful Japanese garden element that has many viable and practical applications, along with its aesthetic qualities. Large boulders can block unsightly views. For example, perhaps your water hoses and water connection are near an area of your garden and you don't want it visible to visitors. A large boulder and complimentary bush would hide the out-of-place items, yet allow you access to use them as needed. Interesting rocks can be placed where plants are hard to grow. Sometimes you will find one particular area in your garden where plants just don't seem to do well, no matter what you plant or what you do to the soil. Maybe it's too wet or maybe it's too clay based. Whatever the problem, a nice rock arrangement might do the trick. Use rocks to enhance a water feature. Place near ponds to make the area more natural looking and visually appealing. Next to a water basin, a smooth, flat stone could be used for kneeling down to the basin. A larger stone could be used as a place to sit for a bit. Define a pathway. A rock grouping set along a turn in a path provides visual interest and guides the stroller along the proper course. It also encourages them to slow down and contemplate the arrangement, making the walk more enjoyable. Block off a portion of the garden or path. You can use stones to block off an area which you don't want people to enter. They form a natural barrier, but be sure to make the arrangement interesting as well. Rocks are a wonderful backdrop for plants. An angular, vertical rock makes a unique backdrop for a plant grouping. Place the rock a bit farther back from the plants, so as to provide depth perception and allow the plants to be the focus (or vice versa). Secure slopes and use as retaining walls. Boulders and good-size stones make excellent, natural materials for use in low retaining walls. On slopes, flat rocks work beautifully as steps. Directing a stream. As in nature, rocks are always found along a streambed. Secure rocks within the banks to help prevent erosion of the earth by the water. (c) 2005 Rose Smith own Gardens From Japan where you will find free resources on how to create a peaceful, serene Japanese garden in your own backyard. Visit today for more information. Article Source: www phentermine diet pills
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