By Michael Tummillo Can a pastor be divorced? Yes, a pastor can be divorced. Many pastors are currently in the process or have been. Before we decide on whether or not that makes it "right," let's take a look at a deeper issue: The word "Pastor" itself. Yes, the word does appear in the Bible in Ephesians 4:11: "And he gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as PASTORS and teachers." This is the only place in Scripture where the word is actually used. Imagine! A single verse has come to define one incredibly significant, manmade office in every institutional church for 1700 years. Notice that the word used is the plural "Pastors" - NOT the singular "Pastor." Whoever these "Pastors" were, there were apparently more than one in The Church (I'm not referring to a building here). About this, author Richard Hanson says, "For the people who first used them, the titles of these offices can have meant little more than inspectors, older men and helpers was when unsuitable theological significance began to be attached to them that the distortion of the concept of Christian ministry began." The Greek word for"Pastors" is "poimen," meaning "shepherds" ("Pastor" is Latin for shepherd). "Pastor" actually describes the FUNCTION of an individual in The Church (again, I'm not referring to a building), NOT an office or a professional title. As the word implies, Shepherds provide nurture and care for Gods sheep, loving them into maturity. Nowhere do we find their role defined in any way similar to that which describes the Catholic priests at the time of the Reformation: preaching, administering sacraments, praying for the flock, living a godly life, handling church discipline, church rites, caring for the poor, and visiting the sick. Protestant ministers can add to that list the praying over civic and community events like luncheons and 10K runs. I've excerpted the following from Frank Viola's book "Pagan Christianity: The Origins of Our Modern Church Practices." Viola writes: "The modern Pastorate rivals the functional Headship of Christ in His church. It illegitimately holds the unique place of centrality and headship among Gods people. A place that is only reserved for one Personthe Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ is the only Head over a church and the final word to it. By his office, the Pastor displaces and supplants Christs Headship by setting himself up as the churchs human head. "For this reason, nothing so hinders the fulfillment of Gods eternal purpose as does the modern pastoral role. Why? Because that purpose is centered on making Christs Headship visibly manifested in the church through the free, open, every-member functioning of the Body. As long as the pastoral office is present, you will never witness such a thing. "It is "lonely at the top" because God never intended for anyone to be at the topexcept His Son! In effect, the modern Pastor tries to shoulder the 58 NT "one another" exhortations all by himself. It is no wonder that most of them get crushed under the weight...The modern Pastor is the most unquestioned element in modern Christianity. Yet he does not have a strand of Scripture to support his existence nor a fig leaf to cover it! "Rather, the modern Pastor was born out of the single-bishop-rule first spawned by Ignatius and Cyprian. The bishop evolved into the local presbyter. In the Middle Ages, the presbyter grew into the Catholic priest. During the Reformation, he was transformed into the "Preacher," "the Minister," and finally "the Pastor"the man upon whom all of Protestantism hangs. To juice it all down to one sentence: The Protestant Pastor is nothing more than a slightly reformed Catholic priest..." Viola adds, "At best, this text [Eph 4:11] is oblique. It offers absolutely no definition or description of who Pastors are. It simply mentions them. Regrettably, we have filled this word with our own Western concept of what a Pastor is. We have read the modern idea of the modern Pastor back into the New Testament. Never in the imagination of a hallucinating man would any first-century Christian conceive of the modern pastoral office! Catholics have made the same error with the word "priest." You can find the word "priest" used in the New Testament to refer to a Christian three times..." EXPECTATIONS OF A MODERN PASTOR Because the paid, full-time, vocational position of "pastor" in an organized institution cannot be found in Scripture, how can we apply Scripture to mean, him? Those gutsy individuals who willingly submit to the strain of the office are forced to undergo unfair scrutiny and an inappropriate standard of someone else's definition of righteousness. Their marriages and families, too, suffer terribly. The statistical evidence of the lives of Pastors and their families is dismal across denominational lines. Sexual sin, marital breakdown, spousal neglect, spousal abuse, alcoholism, pornography, marital infidelity, misappropriation of funds, a lack of integrity, unbalanced ambitions, poor allocation of time and attention to responsibilities...Satan directs his relentless attacks at these Church leaders because, for those bent on destroying the greatest number of lives, like Samson of old, knock down the pillars first. That is to say, those whom we have MADE into pillars. Many in the Institutional Church ask if a divorced person should be permitted to serve as a pastor. The details of every situation are always critically important. In looking for a blanket answer, the danger exists of further mishandling Scripture and, subsequently, mistreating individuals. Frankly, how do we apply Scripture to an individual holding an unscriptural position in an unscriptural religious organization, something The Church was never intended to be? That's ludicrous! We DO have biblical grounds for divorce: adultery (Matt 19:9) and abandonment (1 Cor. 7:15) and they apply to ALL of us. This does not settle the question for many about pastors and divorce, but it does reveal that ANY Christian can be the innocent victim of a spouses covenant-breaking sin. The biblical standards for the office of elder which includes pastors (shepherds, overseers) contain guidance about marriage. 1 Timothy 3:2-7 says "an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife." Titus 1:6 cites this same qualification. Does this mean an overseer must never have been divorced? What if he was divorced before he became a Christian? What if he and his wife are emotionally divorced but physically living in the same home? Is the mere appearance of good in a bad situation any more weighty than the reality of perceived evil? Is that all we REALLY care about in the first place? Did Pauls earlier persecution of The Church disqualify him from planting churches? The Bible does not say that an elder can never have been divorced, but that, if married, he must be faithful to that one wife. A long-past divorce should not bar a faithful, fruitful person from serving The Church in any context. RELATIONSHIP BEFORE FUNCTION Should a person be "above reproach"? If a man committed adultery and abandoned his family, will any amount of time make him above reproach in the ministry? Is any man beyond redemption from God? Aren't we ALL worthy of restoration? Cannot every human be transformed by the renewing of their minds? This is why "Relationship before Function" is so important. Too often, a man is asked to serve in a traditional church office as deacon or elder, simply because he looks good, smells good, has a pretty wife and writes big checks. I sat in a congregation for over a year before I would even accept a position of Associate Minister. I CHOSE to do that, knowing that the immaturity of current, recognized leadership WANTED me to serve as an elder. When they did, I gave them references they never asked for and informed them of my own divorce many years earlier. I wanted to make sure it was GOD leading both parties to that decision, not merely their perception of my spirituality. I had served as a "layman" for over a year and assisted them in every way but NOT as an Associate Minister. When I did accept the position, we had a very productive, very fruitful, life-changing ministry. If a man was the innocent party of a long-ago divorce, as was my case, and has gained the respect of Christians and non-believers by his subsequent conduct, his divorce should not render him less than "above reproach." In addition, 1 Timothy 3:4-5 says, "He must manage his own household well for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?" It takes time and relationship to demonstrate marital and family management. How can we interview a man of God and get to know him based upon a resume? Where does it say in God's Word that divorce disqualifies anyone from God's service? We're not talking about infidelity or adultery. We are talking about two people whose marital difficulties have reached the point where, for one of them at least, staying married is no longer seen as an option. Paul's directions to Timothy are clear that an overseer must be the husband of one wife. But when my wife divorced me, how had I violated Paul's directives? In Malachi, God said, "I hate divorce." Me, too! Marriage is like two pieces of paper glued together and pressed. Divorce is like trying to neatly peel those two pages apart. It's a mess. It rips and tears people asunder, even innocent bystanders. I'll NEVER counsel for divorce. I believe God is well able and quite willing to restore those who are struggling in that most holy of relationships. But it takes faith. It takes two. It takes obedience and unconditional love. I WILL counsel for separation IF the purpose is for reconciliation with an agreed-upon schedule of counseling, with homework, church attendance, etc. Quite often, when a woman separates from her husband, it gets his attention, especially when kids are involved. Sadly, too many who are separating tend to start dating again. That's nothing but a lack of faith in action. JESUS ON DIVORCE Jesus was confronted one day by the Pharisees about the question of divorce and remarriage. The context of the passage, Matthew 19:3-9, the reason they continued to question Him, was NOT to learn whether or not a married couple could divorce. They already knew from God's declaration in Deuteronomy 24, the passage to which Jesus appealed, that they could. What the Pharisees were after was to trap Jesus on the question of whether or not divorced couples could, according to Scripture, remarry. Jesus essentially said, "God's original plan never included divorce, but because your hearts are hard, he permitted it on the grounds of adultery. If the marriage is dissolved because of adultery, the innocent party may remarry without jeopardy." God initially said a husband and wife should not get a divorce. But who initially allowed a husband and wife to get a divorce? God. Is there a contradiction there? Yes, but the contradiction is within us, NOT with God. Is divorce wrong? Of course, unless Jesus lied. Does it disqualify an individual from God's blessings or service to the Kingdom? No, because Jesus said, "Whoever comes to me in faith, I will never cast out. Scripture does not say that a divorced person is disqualified from ministry. If there's any disqualification at all for pastoral ministry, it seems to come from remarriage which appears to contradict the Bible's directives. But even if that's true...for how long? What if the remarriage takes place after twenty years? Five years? Five months? I was remarried after 10 years. My wife had been divorced for ten, too. Long enough? It seems to have been, at least where God is concerned. Anna Stanley, wife of Charles Stanley, Pastor of the 13,000 member First Baptist Church in Atlanta and In-Touch Ministries, divorced him after 3 years of living apart. They tried to reconcile but their efforts failed. He had initially stated that he would resign from being Pastor, based on his own understanding of Scripture. In time, he prayerfully reconsidered. He now believes that, only if he remarried, would he disqualify himself from pastoring. I hope he's hearing from God on that and not basing such a decision upon the traditions of men. Imagine if Stanley DID step down. Would he stop speaking about Christ? Would others stop LISTENING and INVITING him to speak? Would people cease to seek him out for counsel? Would he stop writing books? Would he start a blog? Though he would not be overseeing an assembly of 13,000 Christians, whose to say his influence would not far exceed that, as has my own? Though he would not be able to put "Pastor" on his business card, who cares? His gifts would make room for him (Prov 18:16). Yes, God hates divorce, but He LOVES those who GET divorced. He's looking for anyone who is willing to side with Him, serve the cause of Christ and advance the Kingdom. If it's an army of wounded healers, so be it. man may look only at the outside, but God, thankfully, is looking at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). The Father forgives us. He knows we don't know what we're doing. But He knows we love Him, just a like any child who misbehaves and takes their parents for granted on occasion. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
His mission is to bring Discipleship and Encouragement to the Body of Christ. Since '99, he has broadcast nearly 700 inspirational articles to his online subscribers and a dozen booklets on subjects sure to interest the thinking Christian and accelerate the process of spiritual development.
He is the founder of t.e.a.m. ministries. An Author, Pastoral Counselor and Teacher, his eMail broadcasts, known as "Your Town for Jesus" are read around the globe. Subscribe at Article Source: garunteed credit repair
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The Seventh Day Diet
By Audrey Scott If you've been training hard, I'm sure you've altered your diet to get the best results possible in the least amount of time. For optimal results, you should be eating small meals every 3-4 hours, drinking plenty of water, and making healthy choices. I don't like to use the word diet, because what you are actually doing is changing your eating habits...not just for a couple of months, but forever. It's not an easy task, so don't get frustrated when you're tempted by a cheeseburger or some chocolate chip cookies. You need to gradually change your diet to healthy foods without torturing yourself so take it slow! Getting through one day is a great accomplishment, and
the more days you get through, the easier it will become. Today, I'm not going to tell you what you should be eating on those days...and I'd
like to see you eating that way six days a week...We all know what's healthy and
what's not, but we'll cover that more thoroughly another time. Today, I'd like to touch on The Seventh Day. The Seventh most favorite day of the week...
One day a week, I want you to eat Whatever You Want. You can still work out on that
day if it makes you feel better, but after that, allow yourself to eat the foods that
you've been craving all week long. Go out to dinner, have dessert, and make sure
you go early enough so that you can eat again before bed! There are many benefits to this...
#1 Your body needs those foods, after training hard all week, you are depleted.
Eating will fill out your muscles and energize your body for the week to come. #2 It's a way to "shock" your body. Just like changing your exercise routine will
shock your muscles into responding, changing your diet so drastically one day a
week will confuse your system and kick your metabolism into high gear. #3 It's not always easy to eat "clean" or healthy all the time. After one day of eating
whatever you want, you'll want to go back to your new healthier me. #4 You Deserve It! You're taking care of yourself! That one day is like your reward
for being so good all week long!
So, aside from medical restrictions, eat what you want and don't let yourself feel
guilty! Now, you'll notice a funny thing happening on the seventh day. You look forward to
it all week long and after that first treat, you'll find you don't want too much more. I
don't know why it happens, but it does. Yes, there are days that will be a non-stop
feast. But for the most part you'll find yourself eating half way decent with an
occasional treat. Remember that you are in total control of all the changes that you are making. If
you are a control freak; perfect. If not, I'm reminding you that you make all of the
choices! It's like deciding to be happy or should always choose happy!... Enjoy The Seventh Day! Yours in Fitness & Health, Audrey Scott
get 'em while they last! copyright2005 The author has been actively involved it the fitness industry for over 15 Years. She
has been a full time aerobics instructor and personal trainer, as well as a
competitive bodybuilder. Current owner and founder of Shintai Fitness, LLC.,, AFAA Certified Aerobics instructor 1991, AFAA
Certified Personal Trainer 1993, Kickbox certified through Promise Enterprises and
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the more days you get through, the easier it will become. Today, I'm not going to tell you what you should be eating on those days...and I'd
like to see you eating that way six days a week...We all know what's healthy and
what's not, but we'll cover that more thoroughly another time. Today, I'd like to touch on The Seventh Day. The Seventh most favorite day of the week...
One day a week, I want you to eat Whatever You Want. You can still work out on that
day if it makes you feel better, but after that, allow yourself to eat the foods that
you've been craving all week long. Go out to dinner, have dessert, and make sure
you go early enough so that you can eat again before bed! There are many benefits to this...
#1 Your body needs those foods, after training hard all week, you are depleted.
Eating will fill out your muscles and energize your body for the week to come. #2 It's a way to "shock" your body. Just like changing your exercise routine will
shock your muscles into responding, changing your diet so drastically one day a
week will confuse your system and kick your metabolism into high gear. #3 It's not always easy to eat "clean" or healthy all the time. After one day of eating
whatever you want, you'll want to go back to your new healthier me. #4 You Deserve It! You're taking care of yourself! That one day is like your reward
for being so good all week long!
So, aside from medical restrictions, eat what you want and don't let yourself feel
guilty! Now, you'll notice a funny thing happening on the seventh day. You look forward to
it all week long and after that first treat, you'll find you don't want too much more. I
don't know why it happens, but it does. Yes, there are days that will be a non-stop
feast. But for the most part you'll find yourself eating half way decent with an
occasional treat. Remember that you are in total control of all the changes that you are making. If
you are a control freak; perfect. If not, I'm reminding you that you make all of the
choices! It's like deciding to be happy or should always choose happy!... Enjoy The Seventh Day! Yours in Fitness & Health, Audrey Scott
get 'em while they last! copyright2005 The author has been actively involved it the fitness industry for over 15 Years. She
has been a full time aerobics instructor and personal trainer, as well as a
competitive bodybuilder. Current owner and founder of Shintai Fitness, LLC.,, AFAA Certified Aerobics instructor 1991, AFAA
Certified Personal Trainer 1993, Kickbox certified through Promise Enterprises and
the ISCA, Spin Certified, Gokyu rank, Tekkenryu Jujutsu under Sensei Damian Ross,
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Monday, April 21, 2008
Weddings: Silk Flowers and Silk Dresses
By Mike Welling When planning your wedding, ask yourself: why is there so much silk involved in a wedding? You know the answer as well as I do: Silk symbolized elegance. Silk has been around for literally thousands of years and has been used by people for ages for all sorts of purposes. When used in bulk and custom designed for a wedding dress, silk isnt cheap. Let me restate that, silk is cheap when bought by the truckload from a mass manufacturer in China or somewhere else. But, by the time its styled and added to a fancy wedding dress, the resulting silk product can be costly. When someone gets married, they want the wedding to be as fancy (and unfortunately for the person who is footing the bill, expensive) as possible. For that special woman, no expense should be spared. And believe me, the wedding caterers know this. Theyve seen thousands of couples come before you and they are professionals as sizing up how much money is likely budgeted for you wedding. Silk flowers are another popular item found at weddings. Arranged properly, silk flowers can add a huge amount of beauty to any ceremony. In fact, there are many stores (likely online) that carry different types of silk flowers and silk flower arrangements for your wedding. On top of that, many small custom providers of different silk flowers and plants can be found online. Say, you are having a Hawaiian themed wedding. Wouldnt it be cool if there were silk palm trees and silk coconuts. Yes. It would. Now just convince whoever is paying for your wedding that these are integral parts to your wedding and you are all set. Michael Welling is a contributing author at The Silk Site has silk and silk flowers information. Article Source: bad credit business loans
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
Choosing Pearl and Diamond Earrings
By Nathalie Fiset A pearl diamond earring is a classy gift that contains two different elements: the flash of the diamond and the quiet beauty of the pearl. This contrasting combination has been a very popular choice for jewelry and while it has been used for many years, each time, it is still a knockout. If youre planning to buy pearl and diamond earrings either as a gift or as part of your jewelry collection, then youve made a great choice. This combination is not only valuable, it also has lasting beauty and elegance. Know your pearls
If the pearl is the more dominant gem in your earrings, then be sure to pick a good quality one. Even if the diamond/s in your earrings is high quality, a bad pearl can ruin the whole look of your jewelry. Here are a few tips and info on pearls: The pearl is the only gem that is produced by a live organism, namely mollusks and oysters. They are formed each time a foreign particle, like a grain of sand, enters the shell. The mollusk or oyster then reacts by treating it as an irritation and proceeds to coat it with nacre, a crystalline substance. It is the same substance that we find in the interior of the shell when we open it. The foreign particle is continuously coated with layers upon layers of nacre until it grows in size. In the end, this foreign particle with the layers of nacre becomes a pearl. Natural pearls are formed this way and are more often shaped irregularly. Cultured pearls are in no way inferior to natural pearls. They are still real pearls, except that their production involved a deliberate implanting of a foreign substance to stimulate a mollusk. The value of a pearl depends on its quality: the size, shape, color, thickness of the nacre, luster and texture. Since pearls are naturally occurring gems and no two are alike, these factors can vary greatly. Choosing your diamonds
There are four Cs to note when choosing a diamond. These are good to note especially if it is the more dominant or focal gem in your earring. Cut involves two things: the shape of the diamond and the quality of the cut. Three of the most common are the brilliant cut, the princess cut and the emerald cut. The cut of the diamond will determine how brilliant its shine is and the more the cut brings out this quality, the higher the price. Of the three, the emerald cut is the most affordable. Color since diamonds are a natural substance, they are not always crystal clear. They come in different colors yellow, pink and red, with the last two the more expensive. Clarity refers to the number of imperfections found in your diamond. Imperfections or inclusions affect the way light is reflected by the stone, so the clearer the gem, the more expensive it is. Carat refers to the size of the diamond with one carat equal to about 200 mgs. An honest diamond seller will have jewelry marked with ct for carat or ctw/tcw for total carat weight. When buying earrings with diamonds, look for the tcw. Earrings are bought in pairs and so they should have two diamonds of equal size. How to care for your pearl and diamond earrings
Pearls and diamonds may look good together as components of an earring, but their contrasting characteristics can actually affect their care. Pearls are softer gems because they are organic while diamonds are the hardest gemstones in the world. Pearls can get easily scratched or damaged if you are not careful about their storage so the best thing to do is, tailor your care on the weaker gem which is the pearl. Its not a good idea to store pearls with other hard jewelry. To keep your jewelry in good shape, try to store them in the box they were bought in. Each earring will have a separate hole where it can safely stay. This way, there is no danger of one of the diamonds scratching the pearl of the other earring. Pearls can also get affected by hair spray, sweat, body oils, colognes and perfumes. If youre planning to put on your earrings, best apply cosmetics first. This way, you will minimize chemical contact with your pearls. For more information go to: or Article Source: order phentermine with mastercard
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If the pearl is the more dominant gem in your earrings, then be sure to pick a good quality one. Even if the diamond/s in your earrings is high quality, a bad pearl can ruin the whole look of your jewelry. Here are a few tips and info on pearls: The pearl is the only gem that is produced by a live organism, namely mollusks and oysters. They are formed each time a foreign particle, like a grain of sand, enters the shell. The mollusk or oyster then reacts by treating it as an irritation and proceeds to coat it with nacre, a crystalline substance. It is the same substance that we find in the interior of the shell when we open it. The foreign particle is continuously coated with layers upon layers of nacre until it grows in size. In the end, this foreign particle with the layers of nacre becomes a pearl. Natural pearls are formed this way and are more often shaped irregularly. Cultured pearls are in no way inferior to natural pearls. They are still real pearls, except that their production involved a deliberate implanting of a foreign substance to stimulate a mollusk. The value of a pearl depends on its quality: the size, shape, color, thickness of the nacre, luster and texture. Since pearls are naturally occurring gems and no two are alike, these factors can vary greatly. Choosing your diamonds
There are four Cs to note when choosing a diamond. These are good to note especially if it is the more dominant or focal gem in your earring. Cut involves two things: the shape of the diamond and the quality of the cut. Three of the most common are the brilliant cut, the princess cut and the emerald cut. The cut of the diamond will determine how brilliant its shine is and the more the cut brings out this quality, the higher the price. Of the three, the emerald cut is the most affordable. Color since diamonds are a natural substance, they are not always crystal clear. They come in different colors yellow, pink and red, with the last two the more expensive. Clarity refers to the number of imperfections found in your diamond. Imperfections or inclusions affect the way light is reflected by the stone, so the clearer the gem, the more expensive it is. Carat refers to the size of the diamond with one carat equal to about 200 mgs. An honest diamond seller will have jewelry marked with ct for carat or ctw/tcw for total carat weight. When buying earrings with diamonds, look for the tcw. Earrings are bought in pairs and so they should have two diamonds of equal size. How to care for your pearl and diamond earrings
Pearls and diamonds may look good together as components of an earring, but their contrasting characteristics can actually affect their care. Pearls are softer gems because they are organic while diamonds are the hardest gemstones in the world. Pearls can get easily scratched or damaged if you are not careful about their storage so the best thing to do is, tailor your care on the weaker gem which is the pearl. Its not a good idea to store pearls with other hard jewelry. To keep your jewelry in good shape, try to store them in the box they were bought in. Each earring will have a separate hole where it can safely stay. This way, there is no danger of one of the diamonds scratching the pearl of the other earring. Pearls can also get affected by hair spray, sweat, body oils, colognes and perfumes. If youre planning to put on your earrings, best apply cosmetics first. This way, you will minimize chemical contact with your pearls. For more information go to: or Article Source: order phentermine with mastercard
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Awakening
By Jan Engles Smith I was introduced to alternative healing in a very alternative way. I had a vision. In my vision an old Indian woman approached me. When I asked who she was, she replied: I am you, I am your mother, I am your sister, I am your grandmother, I am the Earth. She had gray hair pulled back tightly in a bun, and her skin was wrinkled and weathered by life. She was wrapped in a wool blanket and smoking a pipe. She asked if I wanted to join in the sisterhood, but warned me that my life would be forever changed. I was doubtful, but kept hearing the word "trust" in the background. I nodded my head and spoke the word yes. When we finished smoking the pipe, she spoke again. "Your guidance will be provided. Your medicine that you carry is North, Wisdom, Healing, and Love. Begin at this time to start reading and learn to understand the Ways." Looking back on this experience, I see the meaning of the vision with clarity and understand fully the intent of the visitation, but at the time I was left perplexed and wondering. I had had no exposure to any indigenous teachings. I did not know what sisterhood meant. I did not know anything about the pipe ceremony; I did not even know that it was traditional for Indians to smoke pipes. I had no idea what the word "medicine" meant except as some combination of chemical elements to take when you are sick. I was engulfed in the mystery of the vision, but confused as to its meaning. Why had I had a vision? What did it mean? What, if anything, was I supposed to do with these strange images that had invaded my consciousness? Even to start reading about the Ways presented a mystery. What were the Ways? Where would I find readings that would teach me the Ways? I was involved in psychology in a very traditional way; I knew no other way. I was active at the time in the Methodist Church. In fact, I was considering studying for a doctorate in theology and perhaps pursuing a ministry. This vision was not at all a part of my existing reality system; it left me completely baffled. However, my love for God was so great that I honored the experience. I reminded myself of the many stories in the Bible where visions had occurred with wondrous messages accompanying them. I believed that this vision had come to me for a purpose I did not yet understand; however, for me to fully honor this spiritual visit, I needed to seek greater understanding. Thus began my voyage of discovery. It would prove to alter my very existence, and it is a voyage I continue to this day. The wonder of it has proven to be in the journey itself, not in any final destination. I committed to joining the sisterhood, whatever that was. I had made a contract with the vision, and I would keep my commitment. I just had no idea what to do or where to start. I felt that I needed guidance, but there was no one in my network of friends with that kind of knowledge, and only one with whom I was comfortable even mentioning the experience. It took one year before I found anyone who could help me understand what it meant. I had moved with my family from Dallas to Portland. This move created whole-sale changes in my life: a new job, new community, new church, and new friends. I did not know at the time, but I understand now, that this move was part of a major shift that would lead to a reordering of my life. Shortly after the move, I was at the Oregon coast with my husband, who was attending a convention. He burst into our hotel room saying, "Jan, come down to the vendor displays with me and meet this person who has a booth with some very unusual books. I think you will be intrigued." I followed him down and browsed through the various books. They addressed a wide range of spiritual matters, many from nontraditional perspectives. I do not remember the specific titles of the books, but I do remember feeling an uncontrollable urge to ask the sales woman if she knew anything about visions. She did not, but offered me the name of a woman who might help. I remember the excitement-the bolt of energy-that ran through me as she handed me a business card with the woman's name and phone number written on the back. I called immediately when I returned to Portland. The woman referred to herself as a channel, and claimed that she connected with the client's guardian spirits, or angels, for guidance. She told me over the phone that she felt my own guardian spirits could help me understand my vision. I caught my breath. The whole concept of guardian spirits was completely foreign to me. I had been to psychics in the past, but I had never experienced anyone who claimed to channel. I had little idea what the word channel meant or what I had gotten myself into. Yet still I was curious and felt innately that this was the right choice. I drove to her house. From that point on everything changed. Due to this shift in my awareness and my willingness to open to new possibilities, I became exposed to the people, training, and concepts that completely remolded my life and my profession. Each shift has been a step along the divine path of my development and my understanding of how we all can heal. Since the original vision, I have had numerous additional spiritual experiences. I began to reorder my life, renew my thinking, and interlace my knowledge of psychology with elements of spirituality and actual teachings from the spiritual realm. As I integrated these experiences into my own consciousness, I became acutely aware that my experiences were not only for me but were also to be used as teachings for others. The teachings and experiences hold universal messages, or basic truths, that need to be shared. As I observe clients moving through their personal journeys from head to heart, two main themes emerge again and again-the need for self-awareness and the need for redefining self. The first is a need for awareness of their own intrinsic worth. Spirit is continually providing evidence that God not only loves, but also values each being beyond all imagination. In the process of becoming yourself, you become open to this reality. The second need is for redefining self in terms of this unconditional love. It is often difficult for the mind to grasp the meaning of a love with no conditions, but the heart is capable. Unconditional love is not based on what you do, how hard you try, whether you are successful, or even if you are a "good" person. There is nothing you could do to not be loved. In the journey from the head to the heart, one comes to understand this type of love and apply it to self. When you truly understand the unconditional love from God, you move closer to being able to love yourself unconditionally. Your complete self-acceptance replaces prior doubts, disappointments, and regrets. All of life's "should have," "would have," and "could have" feelings dissipate in a newfound awareness of one's own immense worth in the eyes of God. Through my own experiences-my own head-to-heart journey-I have found that healing and the restoration of one's wholeness can be complete. Answers to the questions of life's mysteries-what is life all about, why do people become so wounded, how do people heal, why does it take so long for some to heal, why aren't people happy, and why do so many people stay entrenched in the past instead of alive in the present moment-all can be answered. The beauty of the answers is that they bring wholeness, understanding, happiness, and new beginnings for the people who employ them. What I have learned on this divine path is that life is to be enjoyed, and being whole feels wonderful! Jan promotes self-healing, empowerment, better communities, a healthier world and conducts workshops for shamanism and journeying. Her book, Becoming Yourself is at . A Shaman, Jan has done two thousand soul retrievals. She is a water pourer, a pipe carrier, a minister, a shamanic Practitioner, a Reiki Master, a Licensed Counselor, a Chemical Dependency Specialist, and a MFT. Article Source: buy cheap phentermine without a prescription
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Designing your Garden
By Gentry Ellis Gardening is a science. Its about working with the elements of nature to create an artistic expression of yourself around your home. There are many reasons to have a garden. For many of us, its a hobby or simply aesthetically pleasing. For others, the more practical motivation is to improve our property values. Whatever your reason, planning a garden is important and should be the first step we undertake in the journey of gardening. Where do you start? Begin by observing your current yard. Do you like it? Are things missing? Are things too crowded? Take photographs or keep written journal for several weeks and record how much light you are getting in various locations of your yard and different times a day. This may also change seasonally. Make note of key points of your home such as sidewalks, driveways, or perhaps a deck or patio youll be working around. Next, determine why you want a garden. Who is using the grounds you will be gardening. Will you have small children playing or pets that need to be factored into consideration? Keep an idea on what your budget will be and how much time you have to put into garden maintenance. Surprisingly, one of the last considerations and priorities should be the types of plants you will use. When the time comes to select those, you can find a whole base of knowledge regarding plant, tree, or shrub selections through your local nurseries, libraries, or community organizations such as park and recreation departments or local arboretums. Gardening doesnt need to be fancy. Keeping a simple but well kept garden may be ideal for many people. Do select a garden location. Put your yard down on paper and determine where you want various things in your yard. Keep in mind you will not want trees to close to building structures, and plan ahead for when they grow and reach mature size. Make sure water is easily accessible. There are several elements of design to factor into your overall plan. Eyes will automatically shift to a garden line, whether it is the edge of a walkway, or the curve of a flower bed. Gentle, slow curves and horizontal lines tend to be perceived as restful and tranquil while jagged diagonals or vertical lines suggest formality and alertness. Experiment with various textures within your garden. Generally gardens are composed of foliage, bark, or flowers and changes within the light during the day and the seasons. Scent is often neglected, but a very important gardening element. Introducing fragrance will bring an extra dimension to the garden by expanding sensory awareness. Scents are more likely to be appreciated if they are located near a path, entryway, or patio. Color is often one of the greatest challenges to gardeners. It can be employed in a variety of ways. You may prefer to design in a green monotone with only an occasional splash of another color, as exemplified in traditional Japanese gardens. Some take the approach of using kaleidoscopic patterns as might be found in a wildflower meadow. Whatever you use, its about personal choice. What appeals to you? Dont be afraid to use duplication of line, form, texture, scent, or color throughout your garden. When any design element is repeated the mind is better able to comprehend the composition as a whole. Certainly, you dont want repetition carried to the extremes or your garden will be monotonous. Use one or two qualities of design and hold them constant while varying other parts for the best balance. Variety can be added in other areas. Decide if you prefer the look of a more formal garden, which would usually have more symmetrical arrangements, or if you like the look of asymmetrical informal gardens. Focal points are important. Often this is done with larger elements like trees and shrubs. These are the elements that initially seize attention. Be careful not to utilize too many focal points or other elements of the composition will be lost. Other design elements can be connected by using a consistent direction or point of focus. This will allow them to sequence and flow together. Elements of the garden should agree in the sense that they convey the size of your garden as a whole. Gardens should be harmonious. Finally, evaluate your selected garden site. Know your space in terms of width and height. Work with your seasons of interest. Do you want a garden that appeals to you each season or only in the spring and summer? Take into consideration the number of plants needed and the amount of maintenance that you will be able to devote. Most gardeners would agree that a garden is never finished. It is always a work in progress. A garden should not be work. Your garden should be your labor of love, like any craft something you enjoy spending time and energy cultivating. If you initially make mistakes within your garden, just turn them into learning opportunities. There is no right or wrong way to garden, just how to best utilize nature, space, and your vision of beauty. Finally, allow yourself to enjoy your garden. A well planned garden will bring you years of rewards. Gentry is a stay at home mom, with a passion for writing. For more articles on easy living, visit Articles are genstyleLiving Article Source: buy phentermine online saturday delivery
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By []Karl Barnes Unlocking Motorola phones has never been an easy task. The Motorola series of mobile phones use a unique algorithm that prevents most software from generating a code simply by entering the IMEI number into a software form. Many customers and owners of Motorola mobile phones look at online unlocking and see a trail of scams and lost money. Granted, many sites for unlocking Motorolas are scams, and I have come across more than my fair share. The other day I was scanning the internet, when I came across a site called This site seemed different, by the fact that it was offering Motorola unlocking with the IMEI number of your mobile phone. I had been told previously on many sites and forums that this was impossible. Their claims seemed too good to be true, as they were offering this service and software (which will unlock unlimited numbers of motorolas) for only 5. I spoke and emailed the owner of the site, Mr Bob Franks, and asked him how he was able to offer such a remarkable service and software for such an amazingly low price. After a fifteen minute conversation, he told me that the software itself had been relatively cheap to produce, and he had recouped the cost several times over. He said that he wanted to give something back to the customer (how many times do you hear that!) and that by telling his secrets of how to be as successful as he now was, he felt that he was doing some good. The software he sells for 5 now comes with a complete website template, ready to go, that customers can use to set up their own online unlocking business within 24 hours. So I went to his site, and paid 5 securely through Nochex. Its only a fiver I thought. I received the software package in under 5 minutes, installed it, and used it. After much scepticism, I have only one thing to say about this software, IT WORKS! I didnt have to use any cables to connect my phone to my PC (which I dont have anyway), and it hasnt changed my phones firmware. My razr v3 was unlocked in under 2 minutes, simply by using the IMEI. By reading the detailed information that came with the package, I was able to set up my own website unlocking Motorolas, and am now making over 1500 per. Week, and still growing. Go to the site, see for yourself, and be blown away as I was! My name is Karl Barnes, and I want to tell the world about this amazing software at Article Source: kenwood pharmacy phentermine
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
No School Today!
By Lynn Allen School Is Called Off! You wake up, start getting breakfast ready, and you take a peek outside and notice that it snowed again. Your immediate reaction is to turn on the local news and start franticly searching to see if your school district was called off. As your sitting, sipping your coffee, eyes glued to the TV as each school is being listed one by one, your patiently waiting and praying the roads are not bad enough to have the kids stay home. All of a sudden, wham, there it is. Should you tell the kids? Maybe you should just keep it to yourself until the last minute, hoping you can play out what you were suppose to be doing with your day before this took place. You walk the room where your kids are already slaying their video games, open the door, and as they look at you with those big bright eyes, you cautiously tell them there is no school today for the roads are in horrible condition. Plug your ears here, the room is about to erupt in joyous words and screaming. So now what, surely most of what you had planned today will have to be postponed, you need to come up with a plan fast, to keep things under control. You could just let them stay in their rooms all day conquering that video game, but that wouldn't be good for their health. Here are some ideas for when they call off school. 1. Shoveling: Since it snowed, they will definitely be shoveling to do, who better to do it with than the very same kids that rejoiced school being closed due to the snow. Grab a couple sleds while your at it and have some fun! They will be back in school tomorrow anyhow. Have them shovel up a good size hill and you all can enjoy sledding on it. Another great idea is to have them go to the neighbors and help them get shoveled out. Not only will the neighbors appreciate it, but the kids will feel good about themselves and helping others. 2. Story telling: Come back inside to some hot cocoa and tell the kids stories of what you did when their was a snow day. Share with them your favorite moments in the snow and some of your not so favorite moments. 3. Baking: Baking is always an activity kids are interested in. Since it is cold outside, start baking, not only does it teach the kids some very valuable skills in life, but it will help keep the house nice and warm. Who doesn't like fresh baked goods on a snowy day? 4. Cleaning: I always take this opportunity to have the kids clean out their rooms. We have the whole day together, after we have some fun, we get busy on those rooms. They will appreciate coming home tomorrow from school to a clean room. 5. Reorganize: Since most of your errands were put off until tomorrow, why not have the kids sit down with you and have them help you reorganize your schedule. This is a great time to discuss with them any upcoming events of theirs that should be added to the schedule. Remember you can always throw in, reading, board games, a movie and popcorn. Having the kids home will turn out to be a blast instead of a disaster. Schools don't usually call off classes unless necessary, be thankful your little are home safe with you instead of being out on snowy roads. Lynn Allen is co-founder of WAHSeminars.Com. She spends her days helping others obtain the American Dream of working from home. She and the founder have several very useful Manuals for purchase. To obtain your dream visit Article Source:!&id=478573 phentermine no prescription pharmacy
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By Andy Michael How to find a date? Promote yourself! Thats one of the key you should consider. It sounds too planned, too contrived, right? You probably wonder whereas the romance; where are all the rainbows, fireworks and stars? Probably that is what you have in mind when advised to put on a personal ad in different kind of publications. Well, thats one way to meet people. In order to meet the man or woman of your dreams, youre going to have to have a lot of people to choose from. If you want to win the lottery, you dont just buy one ticket. TrueDating can be great fun. But can also be a really stressful experience if you are unprepared. Tips to Promote 1. Now, start by checking the publications in your area that run personal ads. 2. Find out the geographic range of this publication. Do you want to travel that far to meet the people who respond to your ad? If so, run the ad. If not, look for another publication with a smaller geographic range. Then, if the publication is daily or weekly, run the ad three times in a row, if your finances will allow. If the publication is monthly, run the ad once. If your finances wont let you run the ad three times, run it once or twice. 3. You can adapt this headline to suit your own interests. The headline can read Nurses Really Turn Me On, Tennis Players Really Turn Me On, and Italians Really Turn Me On. This list can go on forever. You get the point. Just insert what you love into this headline. 4. After the headline is written, move on to the rest of the ad. Write the qualifiers. Do you want a smoker or a non-smoker? Does religion matter? What age interests you? How about height and weight? 5. One of the major mistakes people make when they write ads is that they try to please everyone. Dont do it. Sure, youll get lots of responses. I guess you could call that going with the numbers. But, youll be inundated with people who just wont be of interest to you. All you have to do now is waiting for the replies. When they come, separate them into two piles - the calls and the no-calls. Dont throw out the no-calls! These are people you dont feel you want to call. Youll be surprised at how often you change your mind. If you throw out the no-calls, youll probably be sorry later. Andy Michael, a columnist of dating Website. He likes to share his real-world, concrete secrets to finding the man or woman of your dreams. He revealed his techniques that have worked for thousands of happy, formerly single people! Visit his dating secrets Website at Article Source:,-Promote-Yourself!&id=48868 buy phentermine
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Sunday, April 6, 2008
Fishing - Some useful Tips
By John Gibb So you want to go fishing? Well, let me give you some advice. Before you fish anywhere, the first thing you should do is check whether fishing is allowed, and, if it is, whether or not you need to buy or apply for a permit to fish there. Next, decide on what kind of fish it is that youre looking for, so you can buy the right kind of bait. Using the right equipment will massively increase the amount of fish you catch, guaranteed. If youre not sure about what to get, just ask them in the fishing shop they will also be able to help you pick out a rod that matches your height and build well, if you dont already have one. When youre casting a line, always look around before you throw to see if there are people behind you or in front of you you dont want to hit them, and its all too easy to get careless. If youre using a worm as bait, make sure to put it through the hook twice, so it doesnt go flying off the line. Be patient if youre using floating lures it can take a long time, but often fish will be lying in wait, biding their time before they catch their prey. When a fish bites, make sure to reel it in a little, then let it out a little, and then the same again. Slow progress is the key, otherwise the line may break. Work with the fish and it wont struggle. The bigger the fish that youve got hooked, the more important this is patience is a very big part of fishing even once the fish is on the line. Once youve caught a fish, dont leave it to lie around and suffocate slowly thats cruel. Instead, twist its neck or slam it on the ground to kill it quickly and humanely. If the fish is really small, put it straight back, as theres no point in killing it or causing it any more suffering when its no good to you anyway. John Gibb is the owner of fishing advice, For more information on fishing please check out Article Source: buy phentermine by cod
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Thursday, April 3, 2008
Offshore Trolling For The King
By Wayne Gilbert Trolling for mackerel can be an extremely productive way to hook one of these big feisty fish. However, for anglers who have never trolled before it can also be an arduous and unusual experience. It generally requires large boats and specific equipment which most fishers dont accumulate for themselves alone. As a result, most trolling for mackerel is done as part of a guided expedition. For those unfamiliar with this method of landing the big fish, trolling consists of having the boat pull the bait, be it a lure or live bait, through the water as opposed to having the angler cast the bait using a rod and reel. Trolling for mackerel is mainly done in open deep saltwater where the larger kingfish are more readily found although modified trolling techniques can also be employed closer to the shoreline. Trolling for mackerel offshore can mean big boats with lots of horsepower and specialized gear for tracking the schools. Trolling reels are also unlike standard fishing reels and they require strong, heavy duty accessories for hauling in large fish. Many king mackerel can weigh far in excess of twenty pounds. After going to the trouble and expense required for this kind of fishing trip, an angler will want to be sure he/she knows proper trolling procedure and strategy. Using the proper gear is also crucial as even small mackerel have scissor sharp teeth that can cut through all but the strongest of lines. Although very different in style from the more common methods of casting out bait, trolling for mackerel works on the same simple thought line: Make the mackerel think the trolling bait is something it wants to eat or at least wants to strike. To accomplish this, the angler must use a trolling lure or live bait that is consistent with the mackerels everyday diet. Not only must the bait have the right look, color and smell; it is also important that it be pulled along at the proper depth and speed. Even a mackerel can usually tell if its prey is someplace it wouldnt normally be found, moving in a way it wouldnt normally move. Thus, trolling for mackerel requires every bit as much knowledge as the more nuanced methods of attracting fish. So, if youre thinking of hitting the ocean and trolling for mackerel this fishing trip be aware that its not a haphazard way of pulling in a big fish in a short amount of time. Trolling for mackerel requires specialized watercraft, unusual equipment and distinctive gear. Not only that but any angler who chooses to troll must either pair up with a knowledgeable guide or be certain to know in detail the feeding habits of the mighty king mackerel. Wayne Gilbert is a Florida native with over 30 years of fishing experience. His website about Flats Fishing, Florida Fishing, has been providing its viewers with extensive coverage of the Florida backcountry fishing scene for a long time. Other topics include backcountry fishing, Florida Keys fishing, and individual gamefish habitats,statistics, and locations. Article Source: difference between ativan and valium
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Repair And Maintenance Of Your Lawn Mower
By Daniel Roshard A lawn mower can be a homeowners best friend, and in many cases you will need to dig deep to find enough money to buy your lawn mower, which means that most of us want and hope that our lawn mower will work for at least a few years till we have to start thinking about changing or replacing it. There are a lot of different lawn mower models in the market today, from the very classic ones to the new and modern robotic lawn mowers, you will find that as the models are newer your basic understanding of it mechanism will probably be less and less. The new lawn mowers are more complicated that what you would like to think, and this brings with it the question of repairing lawn mowers, what was traditionally a Sunday afternoon occupation is now an almost impossible task, involving commuter chips and remote controllers, the modern lawn mower is not an easy thing to fix. This is why you should try and get a warranty for your lawn mower, even an extended warranty when you are just buying it, to save yourself the trouble. If you still own an older lawn mower you will know that repairing it can be a little complicated too, you will need to examine the mower to find what part it is that broke down, this is usually down by slowly eliminating the different parts that fail in your mower, this is a very time consuming job, but sometimes fun. There are some problems that are easy to fix, and would probably not require any professional help or work, you can use your owners manual to learn how to change blades or cutting parts, in the worst case you can ask the person that sells the blades and they will explain this to you, replacing spark plugs and batteries is also not a very complicated repair and will not send you to a lawn mower professional for help. The basics of taking good care of your lawn mower are simply good common sense, like keeping the lawn mower covered and clean, after you use the mower make sure it is clean and without grass of other things in its blades, wipe it and clean all the outside parts, the exterior should be as clean as possible, just like when you bought it, this way you will know that nothing is obstructing the blades or other parts of the mower. When you store it keep it covered and in case there are any special instructions for the use of the batteries follow them, especially if you do not intend on using the mower in the near future. In the bottom line good maintenance and care will save you a lot of problems in the future and make your life easier, when buying a new mower you should think about getting a warranty and sometimes even think about getting a yearly renewal of that warranty, simply to keep you from thinking about how you need to fix your mower. If you own a new lawn mower, the robotic one or a self propelled mower you should also read you owner manual and avoid playing or changing anything you dont know, these are not the old mowers that were completely mechanical, so try and reduce your technical involvement with it. Lawn mowers are a homeowners best friends, they will make your garden look like a golf course fairway without much effort, when you are looking at new mowers you should seriously think about what and how you will do if you need to repair your mower, Lawn Mower Repair is one of the things you dont think about until you need to, and you can save yourself a lot of time if you consider that before you buy a mower. To learn more about mowers visit Article Source: where can i buy lorazepam by mylan
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