By Roo Wright There are many benefits to starting your own affiliate business. These range from the freedom to be able to start your own simple business to create a part time income all the way up to having a full network of sites that can literally make you hundreds of thousands of pounds. It doesnt matter what knowledge you have as there is an affiliate program for just about every market out there. Your current interests or knowledge is a good place to start looking for affiliate programs you might want to promote. If you have an interest or knowledge of makeup then you can do a search on Google for Makeup Affiliate Programs you will find many good affiliate programs for this topic. If you have in interest in playing online games then you may want to search for the game name plus the words affiliate program or partner program i.e. Casino Affiliate Program if you have an interest in this topic. Another point to consider when researching programs to promote is that they pay you for the life of the customer. This means that if people you send to a program purchases once you get the commission but more importantly if that person goes back and buys again and again that you are credited with these sales and hence receive your commissions. Now you know what you want to build your business around you will want to consider just how you will be making your money. The basic premise behind any affiliate program is for you to send business that will turn into real money sales at the programs or the merchants you promote. In return for the sale the program pays you either a set amount for each sale or a generous percentage of each total sale value. A set amount you earn for each sale is called a CPA or Cost Per Acquisition and is a one off payment for that sale. The other model is a Revenue Share or Profit Share model. This enables you to receive a percentage of the profit from the sale. Depending on the industries you are targeting these CPA and Revenue Share rates will vary greatly and over time you will learn what works best for your business. So just how do you send business to the programs or merchants? The most common method when starting out in an affiliate business is to build a website. Now you may think this is all very technical but the truth is websites are no longer rocket science you dont even need to learn HTML anymore to get started. When starting out you will also want to keep your costs low so you may want to consider a blog. A blog is your easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more and there are even free ones available such as at Ok now that you have a site you will want to start adding content. By adding content on your chosen topic over time you will build up a presence in search engines and when people search for that topic the aim is for your site to come up in the results. Once this happens you are then able to direct these people to the merchants or programs you are promoting on your site. As an example your chosen topic may be makeup and as such in your blog or website you have sections about, application, removal, eyeliner, makeup brands and so on. Lets say for the section you write in regards to makeup removal that you place strategic links from the text to a product that removes make up. This is where the gold is! So lets put this into steps
A person searches for Makeup Removal or Makeup Removal Tips
Your site appears in the search engine results
The person then clicks through and reads your content
Based on your advice they click on the link that takes them to the merchant program where they purchase and you receive a share of the sale.
Simple! Please note that links from your site to the merchant or program site are special links called a tracking link. These tracking links are set up in the affiliate area of the merchant site and are used to make sure that you get the credit for the customers you send. Of course there is much more to learn on the subject and it will take time to build real income, but if you choose a topic you are passionate about and do research into the market and how to make a success of affiliate marketing a truly rewarding income and lifestyle can be achieved. Roo has been involved in online marketing for more than 7 years and has extensive first hand knowledge in affiliate program management. For more information visit or our blog at Article Source: phentermine online prescriptions
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