By Javier Fuller A considerable part of the world's population is overweight which brings weight loss on the agenda of virtually every other person on the planet. Cutting down on calorie intake, increasing physical activity are a few conventional ways of shedding extra weight. These techniques work, but take they take their own time and you are most likely to get a little impatient in this case. Every one want results-- quick, effective and visible. Liposuction is the answer. Also called 'lipoplasty' and 'suction lipectomy', the method basically involves a cosmetic surgery for the removal of fat from many different parts of the body which may include thighs, abdomen, buttocks or arms. The fat-removal is usually performed by a respiorator and cannula. Liposuction however is not exactly an alternative method for weight loss. It is actually a surgical method for body contouring, wherein the how much fat is removed varies depending upon the doctor, the patient and the method used. It is not that you can get as much fat removed as you want. There are a number of factors that restrict the amount of fat that can be removed safely in a single session. It is a decision that the surgeaon and the patient make. Excessive fat removal can produce what look like dents in the skin. Therefore, if you have heard or read of someone having got 25 kgs of fat removed in a session, it is exaggeration. The kind of body contouring that liposuction makes possible can make one appear to have lost weight far greater than the amount of fat actually removed. Liposuction may be performed with general or local anesthesia. The technique is safe so long as only optimum amount of fat tissues are removed, a safe anaesthsia is chosen and carefully admnintered and the overall health of the patient is sound. Liposuction is quite a modern body contouring technique and is attributed to the French surgeon, Charles Dujarier. However, way back in 1926 gangrene developed in a French model's leg after Dr Dujarier had perfomred liposuction on her. This casued the contouring to be discontinued for decades after that. Liposuction came back in its modern outlook aftre the 1982-presentation by Dr Yves-Gerard Illouz. Through the 1980s it is experimented with mixed results. Then, in the late 1990s, ultrasound stepped in to facilitate fat removal through ultrasonic energy. Now, after three decades of medical experimentation and improvement, fat cells can be removed with little blood loss and with largely reduced risk. However, there are still a few questions asked about the safety and practicability of this method, but by and large, medical preatitioners have accepted liposuction as an option. To get more information on herbal weight loss, weight loss tips and weight loss surgery visit Article Source: buy phentermine no prescription needed
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