Friday, January 4, 2008

The Relationship Forecast Report - Overview for the Year 2006

By Alana Tobin Overview for the Year 2006: While putting together this report, I recall a saying on a pin I bought many years ago: "my karma ran over my dogma!" (Alana) Well this is the year that the karma of the collective body catalyzes to more directly confront the mass dogma in terms of communications. A MASS PURGE will catalyze humanity to surrender to a most evocative process, one of healing; communications and a purging of all that has encapsulated trauma. The opportunity now is to shift this template of fear at its foundational core levels. Through embracing the body memory and the deepest ancestral roots the collective body is amplifying "issues within the tissues" so we may bring healing to that which is stored in the memory. This enables the rebalancing of the male/female polarities within self and within community. At this time the galactic heart centre pulsates to quicken and ignite TRUTH as a liberating force; we find ourselves in a transition process, moving from what has held us to the past into a new life; a new collective story. Before we are able to co-create the forms and structures of this new "heart based story", we are undergoing/witnessing the deep changes (a paradigm shift) which will support living in accordance with this "vital life patterning" even as we purge the death oriented way of living that has anchored deeply within the memories (both collective and individual) we hold. These memories which hold in place the 'death oriented spin' tying us to the re-enactment of personal traumas and collective earth dramas. It is not simply a matter of choosing love over fear; rather it is a time to embrace fear with love in order that we may transform the traumas that have tied us to fear and judgement as a consciousness and bodily experience. This template of fear has confined the body and psyche to a matrix of repression and denial resulting in oppression of life. The life force cannot be held back has been turned against the self far too long...this is a denial of self, and has manifested as self hatred and hatred for the body. The shame, guilt and the distortions, the fear and the anger has been turned against the self, has been turned against and exacted upon brother and sister. The deep historic memories of genocide has had ones isolate and separate, fearing self and other and the urge to purge - that which comes from the deep.
We sense and feel the collective energy as a pressurized feeling as much desires to be released. There is an overwhelming feeling - an energy of chaos as humanity moves into a cycle of purging traumatic memory. There is a freeing of that which has been held in the collective body. Many believe that 'to be alive is to feel pain'. A resistance within the self to experience pain has deadened the life force and has resulted in external oppressive circumstances bearing heavily upon humanity, even to the point of militaristic oppression externally reflecting the inner resistances. Fearing the life force, humans have come to a place of living predominantly in the mind, and consequently many have become increasingly out of touch with the inherent wisdom and emerging needs of the body. The greatest paradox of our time is that we all seek to experience love and freedom in life, and yet even as the life force seeks to free us from the pain, humans fear and resist re-experiencing the pain inherent within the body memory. Humans have long feared confronting the traumatic memories of our individual and collective history and yet these are the very memories stored within our body, and the earth body that we are being called to embrace, heal and transform. The macrocosm of the earth is reflective of humanity's necessity to release in deep and profound ways, as significant trauma held within the body is becoming activated. There are many ready to release and transform body memories as they pertain to persecution memories and memories of other historical genocides. We are seeing a mass movement away from city dwellings. They know in the deepest level of their being, in their body being, of that which is to come, in their instincts, to move out of significant active areas, centres of earth activity. All of these changes are in support of creating the new earth experience, another reality construct in support of living heaven on earth once we come face to face with all that has been created supportive of separation and what many have called the 'hells". As a collective we are passing through the final hell (underworld) cycles as outlined in the Mayan Calendar in order to effectively process our his-tory. We are processing out and through our collective traumas and bringing to the light of conscious awareness, the unconscious patterns which have tied us to pain and limitation. Refer to the following for a deeper reference of the Mayan material: The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. or listen to mp3 files about the Mayan Calendar at Key words for 2006: Breaking silence, rude awakenings, escalation of control agendas, women's voice breaking free, political court cases - shock waves as repressed information is released via alternative means, incarcerations regarding the issue of censorship with shut downs of various websites - public demonstrations, confrontations of personal and political, underground groups working to liberate... Crisis...crisis, crisis...death...liberation...birth In 2006 humanity is moving into an intense period of preparation. It is through the choices made in or prior to 2005, that we will be responding either from fear or love, a mind or heart centred consciousness....many will be addressing the issue of emergency response systems as they pertain to emerging issues and the needs at hand in the greater community. How competently we address these issues this year will determine how well we will fare in the years to come. Over the next year, each of us will be witness to a preview of what is to come in 2007. Many are called to be a healing and calming influence during what is going to be a time of much upheaval. These times will test our patience and our capacity to manage and master our emotions ever more competently in support of responding from our heart centres rather than reacting from our pain. This propensity for reactivity is at an all time high. Those who can assist to neutralize and harmonize environments and communication processes are being called to make them selves more available within community. Balancing of polarities is essential in order to draw out the resources and tap the strengths inherent in community. It is time to put into practice what we have been learning and developing in terms of mastering our thoughts, discerning right action and responding to life with compassion and peace rather than reacting from a place of pain and defensiveness. Many are called to become more directly involved in the affairs of community. This next year involves getting very practical and attending to what needs to be put in place to resolve and complete projects while working in teams to create new initiatives. New initiatives and alliances through Spirit will empower movement forward in support of community creating systems and structures conducive of assisting groups through the changes. These opportunities will reveal to us our strengths and our weaknesses. Courageous Ones Needed to Step Forward Now!! To work with the spirit and the body (personal and earth), to be willing to be warriors; 'heart warriors' akin to some indigenous peoples of old (in particular the Shaman Warriors who 'walk between the worlds'). Be willing to cry, to dance, to sing, to speak - alive and aware of our primal nature... it is time to come alive. This is the energy/intent desiring to be experienced and expressed more fully. This is the year when the fear that comes from the deep will come up to seep through the soil, that which has been the blood, that which has been the war about the oil, coming to a head. That which has been dead, will be resurrected, that which has been asleep, is quickening now. From the deepest levels, ancestral memories are surfacing. This next year will see people coming to terms with information that has long been repressed as well as the energy of trauma which has been held deep within the collective as it involves historical genocide and persecution. The energies are very much akin to major spasms opening to free what has been building in intensity. Within the US, fear escalates concerning flu scare. The media blows this issue way out of proportion which results in a huge shockwave that has lots of people upset. We see that there are many emergencies throughout the year; however it gives opportunities for people to respond and address issues in new ways. President Bush will be facing the music this year in some major way because there will be such outcry over an event and this facilitates significant healing collectively. Political unrest and a big upset in Washington, big upset...abreactions in major cities with a propensity for in the streets rioting and demonstrations as ones revolt against that which have been the oppressive systems and peoples abusing power.
In the US, major issues emerge - emergencies...about how things are handled, lots is coming to a head regards how things are being handled. There looks to be an increase in UFO sightings and increased opportunity for telepathic communications between extraterrestrial and human as well as interspecies throughout the earth. That which has been repressed as information will be more directly confronted in 2006. Prominent figures will go more public to release important documentation and proof of repressed information as it pertains to sightings and actual technological advancements which have originated from ET sources. There are key people within particular circles who will be sharing information that blows the lid off of what has been information suppression. There is a certain group who will go public to expose certain human experiments as it has involved extraterrestrial. A storm of reactivity will prevail. By the early part of 2007, there will be a lot coming apart in terms of societal structures and systems. There will be alternative housing structures set up, very simple, not complex, a return to basics - as old wisdom emerges and there is a remembering of the old ways of living in harmony with the earth. We see temporary dwellings, not very permanent dwellings that serve groups throughout the there is much movement - people will be in movement, groups of movement together at various times. How prepared we are this year will determine how well we fare in 2007 when major earth activity will result in major loss of life throughout the planet. These ones have already made their soul decision to exit within this timeframe. Mountainous areas are very active...this year and next...profoundly so. Breaks in soil - earth quake epicentre activity interfacing with volcanic activity. Many will be grieving significant losses because the earth is going to change so much from what it has been.
Key Months in 2006 for important events: March, May, November Dates for potent energy shifts: 27th January, 29th March thru to 1st week of April, 28th of May, 22nd of July, 24th of November. From the 28th of May to the 24th of November the cycle of support for coming to terms with our collective past is pronounced. An eclipse at the 19th of November heightens the energies to release. This is when there could be a significant earth event. In the summertime within the US, there is a significant rising of temperatures in end of July and into August (most severe heat in some areas). This is going to significantly stress energy output resources as many strive to cool down. Power outages are likely to result in increased activities of violence and looting. We also see floods in Midwestern states in the springtime with more severe flooding than in many years. There is the potential for destructive winds in Nebraska, severe activity in Oklahoma. Strong activity in the Indian Ocean. Increasing political conflicts in US and Europe. Fires and landslides are highly likely to result in severe losses of property in California, (Malibu and other locations). 2006-2007 a time when the earth moves more fully through a cleansing and rebalancing cycle as we revisit our individual/collective history in preparation to co-create a new earth story, a 'heart story' that supports us remembering our true purpose for being. As we surrender to embrace our pain, we will have the courage and fortitude to co-create new foundations for more conscious loving relationships. Free from our collective past, we can set out to explore the new world. Empowered, together we can delight in the adventure as we open to celebrate new dimensions of life in the ship with all of our relations! Happy Sailing, Alana and Max Tobin All Content Copyright 2006 Alana and Max Tobin and Heart Story ♥ All Rights Reserved Website About the Authors Max and Alana Tobin call themselves Transition Facilitators as their work together supports individuals and groups in more fully understanding and moving through the shift of ages, the earth changes prophesized throughout diverse cultures. This is a time when humanity and the earth are moving through a transition unlike any other in recorded history. As Facilitators working with heart and the wisdom that comes from and through Source, the two open to receive intuitive input in support of community. As an Intuitive, Alana, identifies emerging energetic patterns as well as the energetic opportunities available in and through the current intelligence of Source. We provide integrated an system of Health Products, Life Coaching and Intuitive Services in support of rejuvenation and rebalance in mind, body and Spirit. Article Source: where can i buy cheap xanax
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